
A View component with swipe gestures
react react-native view component gestures gesture swipe


Detects swipes in any <View> element including the swipe direction.


You should use GestureView as a normal <View> element:

render () {
  return (
    <GestureView onSwipeUp={this.onSwipeUp}>
      <Text>Swipe up for awesomeness</Text>


  • onSwipeUp an optional function that's triggered when the view detects a swipe to the up direction
  • onSwipeDown an optional function that's triggered when the view detects a swipe to the down direction
  • onSwipeLeft an optional function that's triggered when the view detects a swipe to the left direction
  • onSwipeRight an optional function that's triggered when the view detects a swipe to the right direction
  • onUnhandleSwipe an optional function that's triggered when the swipe was inside the threshold
  • swipeThreshold the amount of pixels that the swipe needs to have before being interpreted as a swipe. Defaults to 120
  • quadrantThreshold an angle that's computed into each quadrant, use it to make wider/narrowed quadrants. Defaults to 30


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Estate Team
  • released 10/28/2016
