
Clipping effects and animations for react-native 🍠🥒🍕
react-native-clipped react-native clip clipped clippable


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Clipping effects and animations for react-native 🍠🥒🍕

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$ yarn add react-native-clipped
import * as Clipped from 'react-native-clipped';

// Show a component using a cliping effect
<Clipped.View animation='clipLeft'>
  <Text>Hi there</Text>

// Hide a component using a slide effect
<Clipped.View animation='slideUp' hide>

// Clip a view to display only the right 50% of the content
<Clipped.View left={0.5}>
  <Text>Hi there</Text>



The Clipped.View is the top-level interface for most of your clipping needs. It wraps a single child and applies clipping effects or show/hide animations. Under the hood, it uses one or more Fragments to display its content.

Clipping Props

The clipping props can be used to clip one or more sides of the view. E.g. to show only the right 50% of the view, set the left prop to 0.5. These props also accept an Animated.Value, so that it's possible to build larger compound clipping effects or bind it to gestures.

Property Type Default Description
left `number Animated.Value` 0
right `number Animated.Value` 0
top `number Animated.Value` 0
bottom `number Animated.Value` 0
debug boolean Enables debug mode and displays the underlying clipping layers

Animation Props

The animation props make it possible to easily show or hide contents using a clipping animation. By setting the animation prop, the content will be shown using an animation upon mount, or when changing the animation prop. By setting the hide prop to true, the animation will be reversed and the content will be hidden.

Property Type Default Description
animation string Animation (see Animations). When specified causes the content to be shown using this animation, or hidden when hide it set to true.
hide boolean false Set to true to hide the content (reverses the animation)
duration number 1000 Length of the animation (milliseconds)
delay number 0 Amount of msec to wait before starting the animation
easing function Easing function to define the curve
useNativeDriver boolean true Use the native-driver. All clipping effects naturally support the native-driver, so there is no need to disable this prop.
animValue Animated.Value Optional animated value to control the animation. Useful for linking the animation to gestures or making the animation part of a larger compound animation. The value should animate from 0 to 1
onAnimationEnd function Callback that is called whenever a show or hide transition has occured


Clipped.Transition shows new content with an animation, when a new child with a different key is provided. This causes the new content to be shown using the new animation, and the old content will be hidden with a reversed animation. Under the hood, transition uses one or more Clipped.View components to perform its animations.


Property Type Default Description
animation string Animation (see Animations). When specified causes the content to be shown using this animation, or hidden when hide it set to true.
duration number 1000 Length of the animation (milliseconds)
delay number 0 Amount of msec to wait before starting the animation
easing function Easing function to define the curve
useNativeDriver boolean true Use the native-driver. All clipping effects naturally support the native-driver, so there is no need to disable this prop.
onTransitionEnd function Callback that is called whenever a show or hide transition has occured
debug boolean Enables debug mode and displays the underlying clipping layers


The Clipped.Fragment is the core building block for creating clipping effects. Fragments can be nested to combine multiple clipping effects. See examples for more details.


Property Type Description
originalWidth number Original width of the content
originalHeight number Original height of the content
width number Clipped width of the fragment
height number Clipped height of the fragment
left number X-offset at which the clipped content is displayed
top number Y-offset at which the clipped content is displayed
translateX `number Animated.Value`
translateY `number Animated.Value`
move boolean When set to true, moves the translated content, rather than keeping it in the same place and clipping it
scaleX `number Animated.Value`
scaleY `number Animated.Value`
rotateX `number Animated.Value`
rotateY `number Animated.Value`
rotateZ `number Animated.Value`
opacity `number Animated.Value`
perspective `number Animated.Value`
debug boolean Enables debug mode and displays the underlying clipping layers


The following animations are available out of the box.

Clip Slide
clipLeft slideLeft
clipRight slideRight
clipUp slideUp
clipDown slideDown
clipLeftUp slideLeftUp
clipLeftDown slideLeftDown
clipRightUp slideRightUp
clipRightDown slideRightDown
clipInsideOut slideInsideOut
clipInsideOutX slideInsideOutX
clipInsideOutY slideInsideOutY

The list of animations is also accessible as an array of strings:

import * as Clipped from 'react-native-clipped';
console.log(Clipped.Animations); // ['clipLeft', 'clipRight', ...




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  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • IjzerenHein
  • released 3/12/2019

