
Audio Looper for React

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npm version

Web Audio API based Looper component for React

    • Connect your own AudioContext (or use the default one 🤖)
    • Built-in tweakable oscillator as metronome (tick, tick, tick...💣)
    • Loop your audio file each X bars (just provide the arrayBuffer 👍)

Installation and usage

yarn add react-looper


import Looper from "react-looper"

<Looper playing />

99 BPM

<Looper bpm={99} playing />

Play each 4 bars

<Looper bpm={99} playEach={4} playing />


Name Type Default Description
audioContext AudioContext new AudioContext() AudioContext object
bpm number 120 sets the tempo of your loop
looping boolean false starts or stops your loop
source ArrayBuffer undefined audio file to play each iteration
onIteration function () => {} function to invoke each iteration
playEach number undefined play sound each number of iterations

Additional props


This object can be provided in order to configure Looper's oscillator and its duration (ms).

Name Type Default Description
detune number 0 OscillatorNode.detune
duration number 0 duration of the tone in milliseconds
frequency number false OscillatorNode.frequency
type string "sine" OscillatorNode.type
const oscillatorConfig = {
    duration: 0.05,
    detune: 1,
    frequency: 555,
    type: "square",

<Looper playing oscillator={oscillatorConfig} />


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Peter Sherhsov 2018.

npm i react-looper


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Peter Shershov
  • released 10/30/2018

