
Getting the boundaries of the map when using [`react-leaflet`]( is kind of a pain. This component makes them available as an argument to a render prop, which makes it easier to compose.


Getting the boundaries of the map when using react-leaflet is kind of a pain. This component makes them available as an argument to a render prop, which makes it easier to compose.

  <MapBounds render={({ bounds }) => <div>{JSON.stringify(bounds)}</div>} />

The argument is an object with a single key, bounds, which has the southWest and northEast boundaries as LatLng objects.

  bounds: {
    southWest: { lat: number, lng: number },
    northEast: { lat: number, lng: number }


This example assume there's an array of points coming in from props that we want to render as markers.

const filterByBoundsFactory = (bounds) =>
  (point) => {
    const { lng, lat } = point;

    return (
      lng > bounds.southWest.lng &&
      lng < bounds.northEast.lng &&
      lat > &&
      lat <

// points = [ { lat: .., lng: .. }, { lat: .., lng: .. }, { lat: .., lng: .. }, ... ]
const MarkerMap = ({ points }) =>
  <Map center={position} zoom={13} minZoom={12}>
      render={({ bounds }) => (
            .map(point => <Marker key={ + point.lng} position={point} />

The top function, filterByBoundsFactory creates filter predicates that only returns true for points within the boundaries provided. We use that to filter based on the boundaries we get out of the MapBounds component's render prop.

npm i react-leaflet-bounds


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Carl Vitullo
  • released 12/19/2017

