
React forms from Joi schema
react joi react-component form


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Don't fight with forms in React based apps again! En-Joi it! :)

npm install react-joi-forms

What is JoiForms?

A library that lets you create forms easily and painlessly from Joi Schemas. From simple CRUD forms to complex ones with custom input components... JoiForms has you covered.


  • "It just works" out of the box!
  • Supports complex custom form layouts and field-sets
  • Works with any/all React UI libraries (material-ui, react-bootstrap...)
  • Works with ReactNative (not tested yet but it should with nothing more then a custom theme...)
  • Flexible enough to build your own amazing UX

So how easy is it to use?

This code will render a login field and use Joi to validate the users entry,using the stock browser fields to render the UI.

var JoiForm = require('react-joi-forms').JoiForm;

var ContactForm = React.createClass({
    schema: [
        Joi.string().email().label('Email Address').required(),
    onSubmit(validationErrors, formValues) {
        // formValues = {emailAddress: '[email protected]', password: 'password'}
        // Send formValues to an action to send via your API
    render() {
        return (
            <JoiForm schema={this.schema} onSubmit={this.onSubmit} />

Thats great for CRUD, but I need something more advanced!

So did we! You can also create a custom layout just as you normally would, and just include our handy FormSection component wherever you want fields to be. Then just tag your Joi schema and sections.

var reactJoiForm = require('react-joi-forms');
var JoiForm = reactJoiForm.JoiForm;
var FormSection = reactJoiForm.FormSection;

var ContactForm = React.createClass({
    schema: [
        Joi.string().label('Phone Number').required().tags('personal-info'),

        Joi.string().email().label('Street Address').required().tags('address'),
    onSubmit(validationErrors, formValues) {
        // formValues = {
        //  name: '[email protected]',
        //  phoneNumber: '18005551212',
        //  streetAddress: 'where I live',
        //  city: 'city where I live',
        // }
        // Send formValues to an action to send via your API
    render() {
        return (
            <JoiForm schema={this.schema} onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
                <div className="some-complex-form-layout">
                    <FormSection tag="personal-info" />
                <div className="some-other-form-layout">
                    <FormSection tag="address" />

OK, but I am using UI lib X, you promised I could!

var JoiForm = require('react-joi-forms').JoiForm;

// We recommend putting this in its own file and just require it in so it can be shared
// between all your forms.
var customInputs = {
    textComponent: (err, value, options, events) => {
        var mask = options.masks[0] || 'text'
        delete options.masks;

        // your custom element here... for the sake of me being lazy in writing these docs
        // the "custom" UI is just re-implamenting the default. But you could put anything here
        return (
            <div className={err ? 'input-error' : 'input'}>
                <input {...options}
                    onBlur={events.onBlur} />

var ContactForm = React.createClass({
    schema: [
        Joi.string().email().label('Email Address').required(),
    onSubmit(validationErrors, formValues) {
        // formValues = {emailAddress: '[email protected]', password: 'password'}
        // Send formValues to an action to send via your API
    render() {
        return (
            <JoiForm schema={this.schema} onSubmit={this.onSubmit} {...customInputs} />


npm install react-joi-forms

Note: In order to get joi working with webpack, we recommend adding this to your webpack webpack.config.js file:

plugins: [
        new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/^(net|dns)$/, path.resolve(__dirname, 'server/lib/shim.js'))

where server/lib/shim.js is an empty file... This just removes the dependencies for some advanced email validation. Email validation still works, just it sticks to the text validation, not testing to see if the domain is real.


JoiForm props

|Property |Description | |--- |--- | |schema |(Required) An array of Joi validations| |values |(optional) An object containing key/value representations of the fields and their values| |onSubmit |(optional) A function passed in to receive the submit event from the form, props are function(error, valuesObject, eventObject)| |onChange |(optional) A function passed in to receive a change event from the form, props are function(error, fieldValueObject) |textComponent |(optional) A method called for each input component of this type, just return a React component. Method signature is function(err, value, options, events)| |selectComponent |(optional) A method called for each input component of this type, just return a React component. Method signature is function(err, value, options, events)| |textAreaComponent |(optional) A method called for each input component of this type, just return a React component. Method signature is function(err, value, options, events)| |radioComponent |(optional) A method called for each input component of this type, just return a React component. Method signature is function(err, value, options, events)| |checkboxComponent |(optional) A method called for each input component of this type, just return a React component. Method signature is function(err, value, options, events)| |fileComponent |(optional) A method called for each input component of this type, just return a React component. Method signature is function(err, value, options, events)|

JoiForm methods

|Method |Description | |--- |--- | |submit() |Calling this method will submit the form |

FormSection props

|Property |Description | |--- |--- | |tag |(optional) A string to id what fields belong in this section, if no tag is provided, all fields will be used|

Using the Joi meta API to define inputs

By default all validations use the text input component. We use the meta field to augment this default. For example the following would use a textarea component:

Joi.string().meta({component: 'textarea'})

These are all the supported props within the meta field

Joi validation meta props

|Property |Description | |--- |--- | |component |A string to choose what input component you would like to use (defailt: text)| |type |A string declaring what input component subtype you would like to use (if any), for example password or email| |names |An array of strings denoting the displayed content of a select field (requires the use of the Joi valid API for the values, array indexes match the value to the text)| |name |manualy set the field name, defaults to a cammel-case of the field label|


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matt Apperson
  • released 10/22/2015

