
React.js component for uploading images to the server.
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React Images Uploader


React.js component for uploading images to the server



Example for multiple images:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ImagesUploader from 'react-images-uploader';
import 'react-images-uploader/styles.css';
import 'react-images-uploader/font.css';

export default class MyUploader extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                onLoadEnd={(err) => {
                    if (err) {
                label="Upload multiple images"

Example for one picture:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ImagesUploader from 'react-images-uploader';
import 'react-images-uploader/styles.css';
import 'react-images-uploader/font.css';

export default class MyUploader extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                onLoadEnd={(err) => {
                    if (err) {
                label="Upload a picture"

Example server (Node.js, Express)

you need to install cors-prefetch-middleware and images-upload-middleware from npm.

import express from 'express';
import corsPrefetch from 'cors-prefetch-middleware';
import imagesUpload from 'images-upload-middleware';

const app = express();

app.use('/static', express.static('./server/static'));

app.use(corsPrefetch);'/multiple', imagesUpload(
));'/notmultiple', imagesUpload(

app.listen(9090, () => {
    console.log('Listen: 9090');

Other servers


  • url: string - server url;

  • classNamespace: string - namespace for all classNames (default: 'iu-');

  • inputId: string - id and name for hidden input type file. Used for htmlFor in label (default: 'filesInput');

  • label: string - label text;

  • images: Array - an array of references to the already uploaded images;

  • disabled: boolean;

  • onLoadStart: function() - callback, which is called when the download starts;

  • onLoadEnd: function(error: { message: string, ... }, response?: JSON)

    Error messages:

    • invalid response type - additional params: response, fileName (imagesUploader);
    • server error - additional params: status (response status), fileName (imagesUploader);
    • exceeded the number - if there is max property and files count > max;
    • file type error - additional params: type (file type), fileName (imagesUploader);
  • deleteImage: function(key: number) - callback which is called when the image has been deleted from the list;

  • clickImage: function(key: number) - callback which is called when the image preview is clicked;

  • optimisticPreviews: boolean - enables optimistic previews default: false;

  • multiple: boolean - allows to upload a bunch of images !default: true!;

  • image: string - this property works only when multiple: false! already loaded picture;

  • notification: string - this property works only with multiple: false! notification text;

  • max: number - the maximum number of pictures for a single upload;

  • color: string - color for text and svg default: '#142434';

  • disabledColor: string - color for text and svg in disabled mode default: '#bec3c7';

  • borderColor: string - border color default: '#a9bac8';

  • disabledBorderColor: string - border color in disabled mode default: '#bec3c7';

  • notificationBgColor: string - background color for notification default: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)';

  • notificationColor: string - text and svg color for notification default: '#fafafa';

  • deleteElement: string|element - element for removing images;

  • plusElement: string|element - element for adding images;

classNames: {
    container: string,
    label: string,
    deletePreview: string,
    loadContainer: string,
    dropzone: string,
    pseudobutton: string,
    pseudobuttonContent: string,
    imgPreview: string,
    fileInput: string,
    emptyPreview: string,
    filesInputContainer: string,
    notification: string,
styles: {
    container: Object,
    label: Object,
    deletePreview: Object,
    loadContainer: Object,
    dropzone: Object,
    pseudobutton: Object,
    pseudobuttonContent: Object,
    imgPreview: Object,
    fileInput: Object,
    emptyPreview: Object,
    filesInputContainer: Object,
    notification: Object,
npm i react-images-uploader-continued


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Aleksei Schurak
  • released 12/5/2018

