
React components to make a not interrupting input field
react react-component higher-order component ui usability friendly input textarea select and 1 more...

React Friendly Input

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This is a set of React form field components which don't change their value programmatically when focused. It helps to build controlled inputs that don't annoy users.

Here is a simple example. It is a React application where a user can change his/her name. A name must not start or end with a space and must be not more than 10 characters long. The user is typing  I am typing a text  and pressing Tab.

Plain inputFriendly input

Plain input demo

Friendly input demo

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    name: ''
  setName = event => {
        .trim().slice(0, 10)
  render() {
    return <input

ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.body);
class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    name: ''
  setName = event => {
        .trim().slice(0, 10)
  render() {
    return <reactFriendlyInput.Input

ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.body);

Live demo


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There are several ways to install the components:


Download the plugin script and import it using a <script> tag after the React import.

<!-- React -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//[email protected]/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>

<!-- React Friendly Input -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//[email protected]/dist/react-friendly-input.umd.min.js"></script>

The script requires the following AMD modules to be available:

  • react — React.


  paths: {
    react: '//[email protected]/umd/react.production.min',
    'react-friendly-input': '//[email protected]/dist/react-friendly-input.umd.min'

define('myModule', ['react-friendly-input'], function (reactFriendlyInput) {
    // ...

Install the package:

npm install react-friendly-input --save

Require it:

const reactFriendlyInput = require('react-friendly-input');


The components are rendered like the plain React form fields. All the props are passed to the underlying DOM elements.

const {Input, TextArea, Select} = reactFriendlyInput;

    <Input type="text" value="some value" />
    <TextArea value="big text" rows="4" />
    <Select value="1">
      <option value="0">No</option>
      <option value="1">Yes</option>

If a field is focused, the field value doesn't change when a new value is given through the props. The new value is applied as soon as the field loses the focus.

A component can be uncontrolled:

const {Input} = reactFriendlyInput;

return <Input defaultValue="initial value" />;

You can change a field value using the value property. If the field is focused the value doesn't change.

const {Input} = reactFriendlyInput;

let input;
ReactDOM.render(<Input defaultValue="value1" ref={i => input = i} />, document.body);
input.value = 'value2';

You can set a new value despite the focus using the forceValue method:


Making a custom friendly input

If you have a component that acts like a form field:

  • Its element has a writable value attribute
  • Has the defaultValue, onFocus and onBlur props that acts the same as in the <input> component
  • Uncontrolled when doesn't receive the value prop

You can use the higher-order component function to make it friendly:

const {palInput} = reactFriendlyInput;

class CustomField extends React.Component {
  // ...

const FriendlyCustomField = palInput(CustomField);

Getting a reference to the DOM element

If you need to get a reference to the underlying element (e.g. to focus it), you have several options.

First is to use the friendly input input property:

const {Input} = reactFriendlyInput;

return <Input ref={friendlyInput => friendlyInput.input.focus()} />;

Second is to use the inputRef prop:

const {Input} = reactFriendlyInput;

return <Input inputRef={input => input.focus()} />; // String refs are not supported here

Building and testing

The source code is located in the src directory. When you first download the code, install node.js version 8 or greater, open a console, go to the project root directory and run:

npm install

Run to compile the source code:

npm run build

Run to test:

npm test

Compile the code before testing because the test uses the compiled code. An Internet connection is required to test because multiple React versions are downloaded while testing.

Versions compatibility

The project follows the Semantic Versioning.


MIT. See the LICENSE file for details.

npm i react-friendly-input


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Surgie Finesse
  • released 10/24/2020

