
The final solution for WAI ARIA compatible modal dialogs or full-screen tasks.
react modal focus-management scroll isolation

👁 React-Focus-On

lock and loaded!
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The final solution for WAI ARIA compatible Modal Dialogs or any full-screen tasks:

Now you could focus on a single task.

This is basically the inert

Minimal size - no more than 2kb, maximal - no more that 6kb. See sidecar example for details.


Code sandbox example -

import {FocusOn} from 'react-focus-on';

 content you should be "focused" on



FocusOn - the focus on component - enabled - controls behaviour - [shards] - a list of Refs to be considered as a part of the Lock. A way to properly handle portals or scattered lock.

  • [gapMode] - the way removed ScrollBar would be compensated - margin(default), or padding. See scroll-locky documentation to find the one you need.
  • [noIsolation] - disables aria-hidden isolation
  • [inert] - enables pointer-events isolation (☠️ dangerous, use to disable "parent scrollbars", refer to react-remove-scroll documentation)
  • [allowPinchZoom] - enables "pinch-n-zoom" behavior. By default it might be prevented, refer to react-remove-scroll documentation
  • [preventScrollOnFocus] - prevents a side effect of a programatic page scroll caused by focusing elements. Especially useful to address modal animations.

  • [onActivation] - on activation callback
  • [onDeactivation] - on deactivation callback

  • [onClickOutside] - on click outside of "focus" area. (actually on any event "outside")
  • [onEscapeKey] - on Esc key down (and not defaultPrevented)

Additional API

Exposed from React-Focus-Lock

  • AutoFocusInside - to mark autofocusable element
  • MoveFocusInside - to move focus inside a component on mount
  • InFocusGuard - to "guard" a shard node (place an invisible node before and after)

See react-focus-lock documentation for details.

Exposed from React-Remove-Scroll

  • classNames.fullWidth - "100%" width (will not change on scrollbar removal)
  • classNames.zeroRight - "0" right (will not change on scrollbar removal)

See react-remove-scroll for details.

PS: Version 1 used React-scroll-locky which was replaced by remove-scroll.


  • (🧩 full) 5.7kb after compression (excluding tslib).

  • (👁 UI) 2kb, visual elements only
  • (🚗 sidecar) 4kb, side effects

Import full

import {FocusOn} from 'react-focus-on';


Import UI only

import {FocusOn} from 'react-focus-on/UI';
import {sidecar} from "use-sidecar";

const FocusOnSidecar = sidecar(  
  () => import(/* webpackPrefetch: true */ "react-focus-on/sidecar")


React versions

  • v1 and v2 might work with React 15/16
  • v3 require React 16.8+ (hooks)




  • MIT
  • >=8.5.0
  • Anton Korzunov
  • released 4/10/2019

