

React Fetching Hooks


⚠ This library is work-in-progress and published only for some real-life testing. Expect bugs, documentation inconsistency and breaking changes on every release until version 1.0.0.

Library for querying and mutating data for any backend, heavily inspired by Apollo.

  • Simple and customizable (globally and per-request)
  • Full SSR support: requests on server, works anywhere (not only Next.js)
  • Caching with single shared cache: component's data can be updated by other query or mutation
  • Errors are also cached
  • Different fetch policies
  • Integration with redux-devtools (work in progress)
  • Network requests optimization and (some) race conditions handling
  • Tree-shakable (ES6 modules)
  • Written in typescript

Quick start

Add the library and error serializer:

yarn add react-fetching-hooks serialize-error

Create a client:

import {
} from 'react-fetching-hooks';
import { serializeError, deserializeError } from 'serialize-error';

const SSR_MODE = typeof window === 'undefined';


export function getClient({ fetch }: Partial<ClientOptions> = {}) {
    // Return new client instance for every request in case of SSR
    if (SSR_MODE) {
        return createClient({ fetch });

    // Return single client instance otherwise
        return CLIENT_INSTANCE;

    // Create single client instance if there is no one
    return (CLIENT_INSTANCE = createClient({ fetch }));

function createClient({ fetch }: Partial<ClientOptions>) {
    return new Client({
        cache: new Cache({
            // If client-side, populate cache with preloaded data and errors
            initialSerializableState: !SSR_MODE ? window.__CACHE__ : undefined,
            // Enable redux-devtools integration
            enableDevTools: true,
            // Tell cache how to serialize errors. You can pass your own functions
        // In case of SSR pass fetch (i.e. from node-fetch package)
        generalRequestData: {
            // Default base url
            root: 'http://localhost:3001',
            // Default fetch policy
            fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
            // Default request id generator
            getId: getIdUrl,
            // Default request URL generator
            getUrl: getUrlDefault,
            // For the sake of simplicity, assume that body should always be serialized as JSON.
            // In real world, you'll want to check the body type (e.g. not serialize FormData).
            // You'll also want to set appropriate headers (e.g. 'Content-Type: application/json').
            getRequestInit({ body, ...request }) {
                return { ...request, body: body !== undefined ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined };
            // Default merger of general request data and concrete request data
            merge: mergeShallow,
            // Default response handler
            processResponse: processResponseRestfulJson,

Provide the client to your app via Provider:

import { Provider, Client } from 'react-fetching-hooks';
import React, { FC } from 'react';

interface AppProps {
    client: Client;

export const App: FC<AppProps> = ({ client }) => <Provider client={client}>Your app</Provider>;

Preload data and errors on server:

import { getDataFromTree, Client } from 'react-fetching-hooks';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { getClient } from './path/to/getClient';
import { App } from './path/to/App';
import { getHtml } from './path/to/getHtml';

async function handleRequest(): Promise<string> {
    // Get client. Pass fetch, because there is no one in Node
    const client = getClient({ fetch });

    // Create App element, providing it with client
    const AppElement = React.createElement(App, { client });

    // Fill cache with data/errors
    await getDataFromTree(AppElement);

    // Get HTML to send
    const content = renderToString(AppElement);

    // Get data and errors as object. You can safely stringify it with JSON.stringify()
    const cache = client.extract();

    // Generate full page HTML that will include content and cache
    // For instance, you can make the cache available as window.__CACHE__
    return getHtml(content, cache);

Render the app in browser:

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { App } from './path/to/App';
import { getClient } from './path/to/getClient';

ReactDOM.hydrate(React.createElement(App, { client: getClient() }), document.getElementById('root'));

Query and mutate data in your components:

import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { PartialRequestData, useQuery, getIdBase64, ResponseError, useMutation } from 'react-fetching-hooks';

// Component props
interface Props {
    id: string;

// Data from API
interface ResponseData {
    field: string;

// Concrete request (query)
const dataQuery: PartialRequestData<any, ResponseData, ResponseError<any>, { id: string }> = {
    // Default path params to make typescript happy. You may choose different approach
    pathParams: { id: '1' },
    // Concrete request's url
    path: '/data/:id',

// Concrete request (mutation)
const dataMutation = { ...dataQuery, method: 'DELETE' };

const DataDisplay: FC<Props> = ({ id }) => {
    // You'll likely create your own useQuery and hide quirky logic there
    const { data } = useQuery(
            // Override concrete request's path params with component's prop
            pathParams: { id },
            // Request id generator
            getPartialRequestId: getIdBase64,

    // You'll likely create your own useMutation that would accept PartialRequestData and return mutation state
    const { mutate } = useMutation();

    return (
            <button onClick={mutate({ ...dataMutation, pathParams: { id } })}>Delete</button>


Queries and mutations

Queries and mutations use the same RequestData objects.

Rule of thumb: if a request doesn't change any backend state by the fact of its execution, it's a query. Otherwise, it's a mutation.

I.e. request, returning current time, is a query, even though it returns new data every time.


Requests are represented as RequestData objects. Due to flexibility, RequestData isn't a class, but rather a type defining a specific shape.

RequestData is a valid native fetch RequestInit object, excluding the body field. In RequestData, it can also be unserialized object, which should be converted to RequestInit-compatible string via getRequestInit function.

RequestData also has additional fields:

  • fetchPolicy - string, defines cache and network usage.
  • root - string, backend host, like Must be absolute on server, may be relative on client. Will be processed by getUrl function.
  • path - string, like /data/:id. Will be processed by getUrl function.
  • pathParams - object of params in path, like {id: "1"}. Will be processed by getUrl function.
  • queryParams - object of params in query. Will be processed by getUrl function.
  • body - body of the request.
  • headers - headers of the request.
  • lazy - boolean, lazy requests are not performed automatically.
  • refetchQueries - array of PartialRequestData objects that will be queried after successful mutation with this request.
  • optimisticResponse - optimistic value for data field.
  • disableSsr - boolean, if true, there will be no network request on server.
  • disableInitialRenderDataRefetchOptimization - boolean, if true, the query with this request may refetch itself on initial render even with cached data, depending on fetchPolicy.
  • disableLoadingQueriesRefetchOptimization - boolean, if true, the mutation with this request will not cause loading queries to refetch.
  • getUrl - function for generating request's URL.
  • getRequestInit - function for generating request's RequestInit object (for fetch). Can be used to stringify body and add appropriate headers.
  • getId - function for generating request's id. Requests with the same id are considered the same.
  • processResponse - function that returns data or throws an error based on request's Response (native).
  • merge - function that merges GeneralRequestData and PartialRequestData into RequestData.
  • toCache, fromCache - functions for writing data to and reading data from cache.
  • clearCacheFromOptimisticResponse - function that removes optimistic response from cache.

Every field may be configured either globally on Client instance or on concrete request.

RequestData consists of GeneralRequestData and PartialRequestData.

  • GeneralRequestData is defined on Client instance as generalRequestData. Essentially it contains default values for every request. You can define any RequestData fields except path.
  • PartialRequestData represents concrete request. All RequestData fields are optional except path (and possibly pathParams, queryParams, body and headers, depending on types).

RequestData as generic

RequestData (as well as GeneralRequestData and PartialRequestData) is actually a generic: RequestData<SharedData, ResponseData, Error, PathParams, QueryParams, Body, Headers>, where

  • SharedData - same for every request, type of shared cache.
  • ResponseData - type of successful response's data (returned by processResponse function).
  • Error - type of error, thrown by processResponse.
  • PathParams, QueryParams, Body, Headers - types of path params, query params, body and headers respectively.

Request functions

All functions are replaceable. The library provides default/example ones:

  • getIdUrl - returns URL as id.
  • getUrlDefault - returns URL, using query-string and path-to-regexp packages. If you don't want to include them, you can provide your own function and they will be tree-shaked.
  • mergeShallow - merges GeneralRequestData and PartialRequestData objects shallowly.
  • processResponseRestfulJson - assumes that 2xx response is successful (and returns JSON), throws ResponseError on non-2xx response.

toCache and fromCache functions are completely up to you. Here are some rules:

  • Think in redux way. toCache should work like reducer. fromCache should return the same object every time.
  • They should never throw.
  • Return undefined, if there is no data in cache.

Optimistic responses

The value of optimisticResponse field is used for data field when the request starts.

When the request either fails or completes, clearCacheFromOptimisticResponse function is used to clear cache before writing actual result (data or error).

In case of query, the function is optional. If it's not provided, the following will happen:

  • on success, the cache won't be cleared before writing actual data,
  • on fail, the cache will be cleared by calling toCache with previous data value.

In case of mutation, the function is required. Mutations are not cached to requestStates, so there is no previous data value available.


Cache is responsible for storing all cacheable data.

Cache consists of two parts: requestStates and sharedData.

requestStates stores states of every individual request by its id. Request state consists of:

  • data - result of successful request from processResponse function.
  • loading - boolean.
  • loadingRequesterIds - array of ids of requesters (callers, hooks) that executed the request.
  • error - error thrown from processResponse function.

requestStates is for internal usage only.

sharedData stores data from processResponse function, normalized by toCache function (from all requests). Shape of sharedData is completely up to you, but generally it should be as normalized and deduplicated as possible.

If request result updates sharedData, data field in requestStates is set to undefined to prevent duplication.

Cache options:

  • serializeError - function that converts error into serializable error object,
  • deserializeError - function that converts serializable error object into error,
  • initialSerializableState - object that will be used for cache initialization (both requestStates and sharedData). You can provide SSR result here. Defaults to empty cache.
  • enableDevTools - enable redux-devtools bindings. Defaults to false.
  • enableDataDuplication - if true, data field in requestStates will always be set. Defaults to false.

Queries are always cached in requestStates. If toCache is provided, the query will also be cached to sharedData.

Mutations are never cached to requestStates. If toCache is provided, the mutation will be cached to sharedData.


Client is responsible for performing requests.

Cache must be accessed via client with the following functions:

  • extract() - returns serializable cache object.
  • purge(serializableCacheState?: SerializableCacheState) - clears cache and aborts all loading queries/mutations. Use it to reset cache after e.g. logout.

On retrieving data from cache fromCache function is prioritized over data field from request state from requestStates.

You must provide new Client instance for every request in case of SSR.

Due to tree-shakeable design, you have to specify all parts of generalRequestData manually.

Fetch policies


  • cache-only - never makes network request. Returns data from cache or undefined.
  • cache-first - only makes network request, if there is no data in cache. Returns data from cache or undefined and then data/error from network, if there was network request.
  • cache-and-network - always makes network request. Returns data or undefined from cache and data/error from network.
  • no-cache - always makes network request. Returns data or undefined from cache and data/error from network. It's cached on per-caller basis and never touches sharedData, so initially it always returns undefined.


  • cache-only, cache-first, cache-and-network - returns data/error and updates sharedData
  • no-cache - returns data/error without touching sharedData

Render details

Queries that are about to fetch data from network always start in loading state. That allows simple loading indicator for multiple related queries: const loading = firstQueryLoading || secondQueryLoading;.

Queries with cached errors always start in loading state.

On initial render queries are not refetched if there is cached data (e.g. query with cached data and fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' will initially render in non-loading state).


You should build your own useQuery (using useQuery from the library) with API that is convenient for your app.

const { data, loading, loadingRequesterIds, requesterId, error, abort, refetch } = useQuery(request, {
    getPartialRequestId: getIdBase64,
    hookId: 'my-hook',


  • getPartialRequestId - function that calculates id of passed PartialRequestData object. It's optional with fallback to request's getId, but that's unreliable. In real world you should provide it (i.e. default getIdBase64).
  • hookId - if you're using code-splitting, you must provide SSR- and code-splitting-friendly id. You'll likely use react-uid for that. Otherwise, you may omit this parameter.

Return values:

  • data - query data (actual or previous). May appear as (and never switches to) undefined (which means absence of data).
  • loading - boolean, indicating network request.
  • loadingRequesterIds - array of ids of requesters (callers, hooks) that executed the request.
  • requesterId - requester id of the hook. The value of hookId option, if provided. Otherwise, it's generated internally.
  • error - query error. Always swicthes to undefined after network request success.
  • abort - function for aborting query.
  • refetch - function for forcing network request.

Loading state:

The loading return value corresponds to the request itself. I.e. if hook A and hook B use the same request, and hook A initiates network request, hook B will receive loading: true as well. In some cases that's undesirable.

You can get hook-specific loading state like this:

const { loadingRequesterIds, requesterId } = useQuery(/*...*/);

const hookSpecificLoading = loadingRequesterIds.includes(requesterId);


  • abort() without arguments won't abort request, if there are any other callers.
  • abort(true) will force abort for all callers.


  • refetch() without arguments won't start new network request if there is one already.
  • refetch(true) will always start new network request.

If some query is loading, and another caller (hook) executes the same query (using RequestData with the same id), this query is seamlessly merged with the first one, as if they were started simultaneously. This two queries will result in single network request.


You should build your own useMutation (using useMutation from the library) with API that is convenient for your app.

const { mutate } = useMutation();
  • mutate - function that performs mutation with given request.

Known issues

  • You can't return undefined as query data (and probably shouldn't, because empty data can be represented as null)
  • Race conditions handling is not 100% reliable, though no idea how to make it so (is it possible?).
  • Redux-devtools integration is limited.
  • It's probably better to move request functions to separate package.
  • Tests are really poor.
  • Errors in external code may lead to different errors in state and promise rejections (i.e. query().catch()). It's likely not going to be fixed, but you should get diverged error warnings in development.
npm i react-fetching-hooks


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Leonid Fenko
  • released 8/23/2020

