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React Elasticsearch

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UI components for React + Elasticsearch. Create search applications using declarative components.


👉 Documentation and playable demo available here.

const MySearchComponent = () => (
  <Elasticsearch url="">
    <SearchBox id="mainSearch" />
    <Facet id="actors" fields={["actors"]} />
    <Facet id="releasedYear" fields={["releasedYear"]} />
      items={data =>
        // Map on result hits and display whatever you want. => <MyCardItem key={item._id} source={item._source} />)


npm i react-elasticsearch
yarn add react-elasticsearch


You can test components with storybook (20+ examples).

npm run storybook

Main features

  • 🏝 Released under MIT licence.
  • 👩‍🎨 Each component is built with React and is customisable. Not too much extra features nor magic.
  • 💅 It comes with no style so it's the developers responsibility to implement their own.
  • 🐿 35.32KB gzipped for the whole lib, compatible with old browsers: >0.03% usage.
  • 🔮 No legacy: created in 2019, updated in 2021 with hooks.


We started building the search experience of the french Cultural Heritage Open Platform with ReactiveSearch, a well-known search UI components lib for React. After some weeks, we realized we had spent a lot of time tweaking and hacking the lib; we had rewrote almost every components ourselves. We opened issues and pull requests on the repository, but it seemed the lib was a bit stuck in a rewrite process. We found out that we need a simple lib that can be easily extended with a similar API, we created this one. This lib has many less feature than others, it's not even a decent competitor. But since it helped us building a search experiences, it has been released. Hope it could help you!


Open issues and PR here:

npm i react-elasticsearch


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • rap2hpoutre
  • released 5/19/2021
