
Dependency management for React.js
react react.js di dependency injection

ReactDI Build Status

ReactDI is a simple DI container originaly built for React.js. It is a general solution that allows you to register arbitrary objects to be passed down component hierarchy.

To install, please run

npm install react-di

or via bower

bower install react-di


Basic setup

To setup ReactDI, you have to obtain an instance of ReactDI first.

// If you're using Node.js, Browserify, Webpack or similar
var ReactDI = require('react-di');

// If you're just loading the file without any dependency management library
var ReactDI = window.ReactDI;

// Create an instance of resolver
var resolver = new ReactDI();

// Passing an object hash will automatically register
// all of its properties
var resolver = new ReactDI({
    message: aMessageService,
    alert: anAlertService

ReactJS setup (preferred)

Despite its name, you can use ReactDI without ReactJS. However, if you do, ReactDI provides a way to make your dependency injection much more straightforward.

After you have obtained an instance of ReactDI, you have to explicitly tell it to work with React object.


This causes ReactDI to intercept every call to React.createElement. ReactDI then enhances your element's props with di property. This property is a callable function that proxies calls to resolver.get() method (See below).

As a consequence, you can access your dependencies in your component methods:

    render: function() {
        var message = this.props.di('message'); // A message service was previously registered
        var text = message.say('something'); // Our message service does some work here

        return (

Furthermore, calling di() without any arguments returns a reference to your ReactDI instance, so you can do some advanced logic too:

    render: function() {
        var resolver = this.props.di(); // Instance of our original resolver
        var hasMessage = resolver.has('message');
        var text = hasMessage ?
            this.props.di('message').say('something') :
            'something else'; // Pretty advanced, right?

        return (

Dependency validation

Only available when using development version of ReactDI.

If you create your React component class with statics.dependencies property, ReactDI checks whether all required dependencies are available on resolver. If not, warning is displayed. Furthermore, dependencies declared this way are available as read-only properties on di object:

    statics: {
        dependencies: ['message']
    render: function() {
        var message = this.props.di.message; // A message service is now available as a property
        var text = message.say('something'); // Our message service does some work here

        return (

Dependency aliasing

If you create your React component class with statics.dependencies set to an object hash, your dependencies will be available on di object under their aliases based on this object:

    statics: {
        dependencies: {
            msg: 'message'
    render: function() {
        var message = this.props.di.msg; // A message service is now aliased as `msg`
        var text = message.say('something');

        return (

Removing ReactDI injection

To remove React.createElement interception (you should rarely need to do this), just call


ReactJS independent setup

You can use ReactDI without automatic injection. You can simply take your ReactDI instance and pass it around via props (in ReactJS) or by any other means in any other framework or just plain old vanilla JavaScript.

This might allow you to pass different resolvers to different components for example.

To use it with React, try this:

var Application = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        var message = this.props.resolver.get('message'); // A message service was previously registered
        var text = message.say('something');

        // Pass resolver down the component hierarchy
        return (

// Pass the resolver to components
React.render(<Application resolver={resolver}/>, document.body);



new ReactDI(
    [object|ReactDI map]

map is an existing ReactDI instance or an object hash of dependencies that will be registered on this instance. Any properties registered on this passed instance (or added to this passed object) will be automatically available on created instance.

.set(name, component)

reactDI set(
    String|Object name,
    [Object component]

When passed a String and an object, this method registers component under the name name. If component is null, it will be unregistered.

Wen passed an Object as the first parameter its keys will be used as names and corresponding values as components.

This method returns the ReactDI instancefor easy chaining.


Boolean has(
    String name

Returns true if a component with given name was registered on this resolver, false if not.


String hasAny(
    String|Array[String] names

Returns the name of first resolved component if at least one of components with given name was registered on this resolver, false if not.


Object get(
    String|Array[String] names

When called with String this method returns a component registered under this name.

When called with an array of names this method returns an Object with its keys corresponding to array elements.

This method throws an error if any of requested components was not registered.


Object getAny(
    String|Array[String] names

Returns first resolved component or throws an error if none of requested components was registered.

npm i react-di


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ján Jakub Naništa
  • released 11/13/2015

