
TodoMVC example for react with development tools to build a cordova application
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Redux DevTools TodoMVC example

Demo - click the image to try it


This is a prerelease version (2.0.0) of the boilerplate supporting some new features and webpack 2.

As of right now some testing features are missing , please be patient and help out :smile:. You can always use latest version here (1.3.0).

Why cordova and React

Cordova is really simple to build cross platform mobile applications for any of your needs, this boilerplate provides a great starting point for your next react project, and can be used to maintain a website and mobile application from same source code (any maybe transitioning later to react-native)


  • eslint
  • Smart build using Webpack 2
    • ES6
    • React (jsx)
    • Server rendering for initial page
    • Style: Redium + SASS
  • React router
  • Testing
    • Mocha
    • jsdom (blazing fast testing on nodeJs)
    • Sinon
    • Chai
    • Coverage using nyc


  1. Install dependencies: npm i or yarn install
  2. Install global tools: npm install -g cordova
  3. Add your cordova platform by running cordova platform add %PLATFORM% (android and more)


  • npm run lint[:report] - runs linting against src folder and fix some of the issues, report option to generate html report to ./report.html.
  • npm run start[:prod] - starts a server, with react model replacement and devtools on localhost:8080, prod option to minify the build (same build eventually integrated with the cordova app).
  • npm run build[:prod][:watch] - builds the project (single html file and single js file) as it does for development.
  • npm run test[:watch][:coverage] - runs Mocha testing, outputs result to console, watch options to watch files and test again after file modification, coverage option to generate coverage reports to ./alternative folder (index.html is a usuful one!).

Build and run as application

As you do with any cordova application, cordova build android, cordova run android and more.

cordova runs npm run build:prod before any cordova command (using hooks).

Style practice

To style your html, simply inline style your DOM (here is why).

You can use Radium (which is included) to easily add 'css like' event listeners to your components (like hover).

Sass/CSS is included to complete some of the missing features or already written style you want to use. To use Sass/CSS simply import that file!


@font-face {
    font-family: 'custom-font';
    src:url('./custom-font.eot') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('./custom-font.ttf') format('truetype'),
        url('./custom-font.woff') format('woff'),
        url('./custom-font.svg') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
.customFont {
  font-family: 'custom-font';  
  &.customFontIcon {
    content: "\e600";
    &:hover {
      color: blue;


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import customFont from './custom-font.scss'

export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}>
        Hello world!
        <span className={customFont.customFont + ' ' + customFont.customFontIcon}></span>


  • Complete styling ability to go with inline style.
  • Easily use third party styles.
  • No globals - import style files and use the class (minifies signature - example .a instead of .customFont)

Sass style will be minified, bundled and included to the server rendered file.

npm i react-cordova-boilerplate


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 4/19/2017

