
React select component that can be used as a single select, multiselect, search
react, select, singleselect, multiselect, search, react-component


React dropdown for select and multiselect

npm version


react-combo-select requires react and react-dom as peer dependency. All versions should be supported, but make sure you are using matching versions of the two packages.

import ComboSelect from 'react-combo-select';

and include css files with styles (you may include this in different way)


As of version 1.2, font-awesome is no longer required, but may be optionally used instead of built-in SVG icons. Check the "custom icons" section below for more details.



Actual data you want to show, this is an array of either object, strings or numbers. Array or array won't work

let standardArray = ['JA007D', 'JA008D', 'JA009D', 'JA010D'];

<ComboSelect data={standardArray} />;

text, defaultText

Text will be displayed as something you have selected or set as a start value, for this example it's "-Select me-". If you dont provide defaultText or text prop, value by default is 'Select'. text have greater specificity than defaultText

let standardArray = ['JA007D', 'JA008D', 'JA009D', 'JA010D'];

<ComboSelect text="-Select me-" data={standardArray} />;
let arrayWithObjects = [
    { text: 'air-JA007D', win: 'win-JA007D', value: 'JA007D' },
    { text: 'air-JA008D', win: 'win-JA008D', value: 'JA008D' },
    { text: 'air-JA009D', win: 'win-JA009D', value: 'JA009D' },
    { text: 'air-JA107D', win: 'win-JA107D', value: 'JA010D' },

<ComboSelect data={arrayWithObjects} />;


Select or multiselect, self explanatory

let standardArray = ["JA007D", "JA008D", "JA009D", "JA010D", "JA219J", "JA302J", "JA306J", "JA308J", "JA309J", "JA311J", "JA313J", "JA314J", "JA316J", "JA318J", "JA319J", "JA322J", "JA324J", "JA325J", "JA326J"];

// Pick one
<ComboSelect data={standardArray} type="select"/>

// Or just
<ComboSelect data={standardArray}/>

// Pick multiple
<ComboSelect data={standardArray} type="multiselect"/>


Function to be called when an option is selected. It will receive value and display text of the selected item, in that order, as arguments.

fakeFunction(value, text) {
    console.log(value, text);

let standardArray = ["JA007D", "JA008D", "JA009D", "JA010D"];

<ComboSelect text="-Select me-" type="multiselect" data={standardArray} onChange={this.fakeFunction}/>


Function to be called when the dropdown menu is opened or closed. It will receive open/closed state as boolean, value and display text of the selected item, in that order, as arguments.

fakeToggle(open, value, text) {
    console.log(open, value, text);

let standardArray = ["JA007D", "JA008D", "JA009D", "JA010D"];

<ComboSelect text="-Select me-" type="multiselect" data={standardArray} onToggle={this.fakeFunction}/>


Whether to render a filter field at the top of the dropdown. Allowed values: On, off (default), smart (search will be shown only if there is more items then can be shown in window)

let standardArray = ["JA007D", "JA008D", "JA009D", "JA010D", "JA219J", "JA302J", "JA306J", "JA308J", "JA309J", "JA311J", "JA313J", "JA314J", "JA316J", "JA318J", "JA319J", "JA322J", "JA324J", "JA325J", "JA326J"];

<ComboSelect type="select" data={standardArray} search="smart"}/>


If you want to display data from objects, use map! You need to define object with properties text and value. Text will be the one you display as a text, and value is returning in a onChange function as the first argument. If you want to return the whole object, put value=true (boolean). Default is map={{text: 'text', value: 'value'}}, which means you will have collection of objects, and on select value will be returned and text will be shown in select.

let arrayWithObjects = [
            {text: "air-JA007D", win: "win-JA007D", value: "JA007D"},
            {text: "air-JA008D", win: "win-JA008D", value: "JA008D"},
            {text: "air-JA009D", win: "win-JA009D", value: "JA009D"},
            {text: "air-JA107D", win: "win-JA107D", value: "JA010D"}

// Key object
fakeFunction(value, text) {
    console.log(value, text) // this will display key object win and key object with text will be shown in tn select.

<ComboSelect data={arrayWithObjects} map={{text: 'text', value: 'win'}} onChange={this.fakeFunction}/>

// Whole object
fakeFunctionObject(value, text) {
    console.log(value, text) // this will display {text: "air-JA007D", win: "win-JA007D", value: "JA007D"} and key object with text will be shown in tn select.

<ComboSelect data={arrayWithObjects} map={{text: 'text', value: true}} onChange={this.fakeFunctionObject}/>

// Map through function, you allways get item, and have to return value
selectText: function(item){
    return item.hereIs.objectFor.text

// function
fakeFunctionObject(value, text) {
    console.log(value, text) // this will display {text: "air-JA007D", win: "win-JA007D", value: "JA007D"} and key object with text will be shown in tn select.

<ComboSelect data={arrayWithObjects} map={{text: this.selectText, value: true}} onChange={this.fakeFunctionObject}/>


You can sort as data, numbers, alphanumercial (alphanum) or not sort at all. By default, it will sort as strings, but only if the parameters in value are strings.

// Proper sorting
let nummericArray = [3, 1, 11, 111, 21, 32, 14, 32, 442];
<ComboSelect text="-Select me-" type="multiselect" data={nummericArray} sort="number" />;
let standardArray = ['DDD', 'CCC', 'BBB', 'AAA'];
<ComboSelect text="-Select me-" type="multiselect" data={standardArray} sort="string" />;
let standardArray = ['win-JA007D', 'win-JA0008D', 'win-JA009D'];
<ComboSelect text="-Select me-" type="multiselect" data={standardArray} sort="alphanum" />;

Active and inactive icons

Can be default, custom or off. For custom just put class that you want, and it would be assigned to the i DOM element. For default, just leave as is. false or off will render no icons.

let standardArray = ["JA007D", "JA008D", "JA009D", "JA010D"];

<ComboSelect type="multiselect" data={} value={[1]} iconSelectInactive={false} iconSelectActive={false}/>
<ComboSelect type="multiselect" data={} value={[1]} iconSelectInactive={'fa fa-check-circle'} iconSelectActive={'fa fa-check-circle'}/>
<ComboSelect type="multiselect" data={} value={[1]}/>


Self explanatory

let standardArray = ["JA007D", "JA008D", "JA009D", "JA010D"];

<ComboSelect type="multiselect" data={} value={[1]} disabled}/>

scrollHeight, scrollMaxHeight and prefferedDirection

scrollHeight lets you choose height of the scrollable options area. Similarily, scrollMaxHeight will set max-height. Both of those props require preferredDirection prop, which allows you to choose the direction in which the dropdown opens.

const heightProps = {
    scrollHeight: 200, // number
    preferredDirection: 'down' // 'top' | 'down'

const maxHeightProps = {
    scrollMaxHeight: 100, // number
    preferredDirection: 'top' // 'top' | 'down'

<ComboSelect type="multiselect" data={} value={[1]} {...heightProps} />

<ComboSelect type="select" data={} value={[1]} {...maxHeightProps} />

data attributes

Added dataAttr prop used to pass html5 data attributes to DOM elements. The value of the prop should be an object mapping some or all of the 3 supported elements to data attributes that should be added to them. Each data attribute is specified as string which will be appended to 'data-' to form the attribute name.

Each property can be a string or a transform function.

For each dataAttr property of type function only one argument is forwarded to that function:

  • wrapper: Component.props
  • dropDownHeader: Component.props
  • listItem:[index]
<ComboSelect type="multiselect" data={}
        wrapper: {
            automation: 'ComboSelect'
        dropDownHeader: {
            automation: 'ComboSelectHeader'
        listItem: {
            automation: item => item && 'ComboSelectItem_' + item.text

custom icons

Out of the box ComboSelect is using custom SVG icons that can be overriden by specifing new classes for i elements using props: icon, iconSelectActive, iconSelectInactive.

<ComboSelect icon="fa fa-chevron-down" iconSelectInactive="fa fa-circle-thin" iconSelectActive="fa fa-check" />

resetValues method

Resets values in currently selected ComboSelect instance. You have an example og how to set it up in DemoComponent.jsx.

Option groups

Groups can be enabled by adding groups prop to the ComboSelect. They will work both in single select and in multiselect mode.

NOTE: For now, groups are only working with 'string' and 'number' sorting.

<ComboSelect type="multiselect" groups data={this.state.groups} />

Groups have to be passed down to component in specific format so that it can render properly. Initial data should look like this:

    // Mandatory group name
    groupName: 'Other',
    // and array of options
    options: [
            text: 'Option 1 Text',
            value: 'Option 1 Value',
            text: 'Option 2 Text',
            value: 'Option 2 Value',

Data will be further transformed so that it can be rendered once passed down to ComboSelect. Groups support numeric and string sorts and search/filter functionality.

npm i react-combo-select


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Marko Kostovski
  • released 10/25/2018
