
Graph Traversal on top of rdflib.js

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Graph Traversal on top of rdf-ext Using ext-rdflib

This is a fork of the original rdfgraphnode that is based on rdflib.js. The functionality should be identical.


rdfgraphnode can be used in the browser both with rdflib.js as well as ext-rdflib. The respective library must be loaded before rdfgraphnode.

    <script src="https://retog.github.io/rdfgraphnode-rdfext/latest/GraphNode.js"></script>

You may replace latest with the version of rdfgraphnode you want to use.


A GraphNode represents an arbitrary number of nodes in a graph.

A GraphNode has the following properties:

  • value
  • termType
  • node
  • nodes
  • graph

The first three properties are available only if the GraphNode represents exactly one node.

A GraphNode has the following methods:

  • out(predicate)
  • in(predicate)
  • fetch()
  • each(f)
  • fetchEach(f)
  • split()

The first three methods return a Promise for a GraphNode.The each(f)method invokes f once for every represented node with a GrahphNode representing that node as argument and returns a promise that is satisfied when all promises returned by f are resolved. The method fetchEach(f) is identical to each(f) but every node is fetched before being passed to f. The method split returns a GraphNode for every node in nodes


GraphNode($rdf.sym("https://reto.solid.factsmission.com:8443/public/")).fetch().then(folder =>
    { folder.out($rdf.sym("http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#contains")).each(contained =>
        { console.log(contained.value) });
npm i rdfgraphnode-rdfext


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Reto Gmür
  • released 9/11/2019

