
abstract rate limiter backed by redis
rate ratelimit limiter limit


Rate limiter for Node.js backed by Redis.

NOTE: Promise version available at async-ratelimiter.

Build Status

Release Notes

v3.4.1 - #55 by @barwin - Remove splice operation.

v3.3.1 - #51 - Remove tidy option as it's always true.

v3.3.0 - #47 by @penghap - Add tidy option to clean old records upon saving new records. Drop support in node 4.

v3.2.0 - #44 by @xdmnl - Return accurate reset time for each limited call.

v3.1.0 - #40 by @ronjouch - Add reset milliseconds to the result object.

v3.0.2 - #33 by @promag - Use sorted set to limit with moving window.

v2.2.0 - #30 by @kp96 - Race condition when using async.times.

v2.1.3 - #22 by @coderhaoxin - Dev dependencies versions bump.

v2.1.2 - #17 by @waleedsamy - Add Travis CI support.

v2.1.1 - #13 by @kwizzn - Fixes out-of-sync TTLs after running decr().

v2.1.0 - #12 by @luin - Adding support for ioredis.

v2.0.1 - #9 by @ruimarinho - Update redis commands to use array notation.

v2.0.0 - API CHANGE - Change remaining to include current call instead of decreasing it. Decreasing caused an off-by-one problem and caller could not distinguish between last legit call and a rejected call.


  • Redis 2.6.12+
  • Node 6.0.0+


$ npm install ratelimiter


Example Connect middleware implementation limiting against a user._id:

var id = req.user._id;
var limit = new Limiter({ id: id, db: db });
limit.get(function(err, limit){
  if (err) return next(err);

  res.set('X-RateLimit-Limit', limit.total);
  res.set('X-RateLimit-Remaining', limit.remaining - 1);
  res.set('X-RateLimit-Reset', limit.reset);

  // all good
  debug('remaining %s/%s %s', limit.remaining - 1, limit.total, id);
  if (limit.remaining) return next();

  // not good
  var delta = (limit.reset * 1000) - Date.now() | 0;
  var after = limit.reset - (Date.now() / 1000) | 0;
  res.set('Retry-After', after);
  res.send(429, 'Rate limit exceeded, retry in ' + ms(delta, { long: true }));

Result Object

  • total - max value
  • remaining - number of calls left in current duration without decreasing current get
  • reset - time since epoch in seconds at which the rate limiting period will end (or already ended)
  • resetMs - time since epoch in milliseconds at which the rate limiting period will end (or already ended)


  • id - the identifier to limit against (typically a user id)
  • db - redis connection instance
  • max - max requests within duration [2500]
  • duration - of limit in milliseconds [3600000]



npm i ratelimiter


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 2/24/2020
