
A concise command line arguments parser with robust type handling
argument args option parser parsing cli command


A flexible and simple command line arguments parser that generates friendly help messages.


npm install raptor-args --save


// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser(options);
var parsed = parser.parse(argsArray);

// parsed will be an object with properties corresponding to provided arguments

Simple Example

Parse arguments provided by process.argv:

Given the following JavaScript code to parse the args:

// Create a parser and parse process.argv
        '--foo -f': 'boolean',
        '--bar -b': 'string'

And the following command:

node app.js --foo -b b

The output will be:

    foo: true,
    bar: 'baz'

You can also parse your own array of arguments instead of using process.argv:

// Create a parser and parse provided args
        '--foo -f': 'boolean',
        '--bar -b': 'string'
    .parse(['--foo', '-b', 'baz']);

    foo: true,
    bar: 'baz'

You can also be more descriptive and add usage, examples, error handlers and validation checks:

// Create a parser:
        '--help': {
            type: 'string',
            description: 'Show this help message'
        '--foo -f': {
            type: 'string',
            description: 'Some helpful description for "foo"'
        '--bar -b': {
            type: 'string',
            description: 'Some helpful description for "bar"'
    .usage('Usage: $0 [options]')
        'First example',
        '$0 --foo hello')
        'Second example',
        '$0 --foo hello --bar world')
    .validate(function(result) {
        if (result.help) {

        if (!result.foo || !result.bar) {
            console.log('--foo or --bar is required');
    .onError(function(err) {

Running the above program with the --help argument will produce the following output:

Usage: args [options]


  First example:
     args --foo hello

  Second example:
     args --foo hello --bar world


  --help Show this help message [string]

--foo -f Some helpful description for "foo" [string]

--bar -b Some helpful description for "bar" [string]


Aliases can be provided as space-separated values for an option:

// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser({
    '--foobar --foo -f': 'string', // "--foobar" has two aliases: "--foo" and "-f"
    '--hello -h': 'string',        // "--hello" has one alias: "-h"

parser.parse('--foo FOO -h HELLO'.split(' '));
// Output:
    foobar: 'FOO',
    hello: 'HELLO'

// **NOTE**: Only the first entry is used to determine the target property name--not the aliases.


An argument value of "true" or "false" is automatically converted to the corresponding boolean type. If a argument is prefixed with "no-" then it will be set to false.

// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser({
    '--foo': 'boolean',
    '--bar': 'boolean'

parser.parse('--foo --no-bar'.split(' '));
// Output:
    foo: true,
    bar: false


Any argument with multiple values will result in an Array value, but if you want to force an array for a single value then you can append "[]" to the option type as shown in the following sample code:

// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser({
    '--foo': 'string[]'

parser.parse('--foo a'.split(' '));
// Output:
    foo: ['a']

parser.parse('--foo a b c'.split(' '));
// Output:
    foo: ['a', 'b', 'c']


A parser will throw an error for unrecognized arguments unless wildcards are used as shown in the examples below.

// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser({
    '--foo -f *': 'string[]' // Any unrecognized argument at the beginning is an alias for "foo"

parser.parse('a b --foo c'.split(' '));
// Output:
    foo: ['a', 'b', 'c']
// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser({
    '*': null

parser.parse('a b --foo FOO --bar BAR'.split(' '));
// Output:
    '*': ['a', 'b'],
    foo: 'FOO',
    bar: 'BAR'

Complex Types

Square brackets can be used to begin and end complex types:

// Create a parser:
var parser = require('raptor-args').createParser({
    '--foo -f': 'boolean',
    '--plugins --plugin -p': {
        options: {
            '--module -m *': 'string',
            '-*': null

var parsed = parser.parse('--foo --plugins [ --module plugin1 -x -y ] [ plugin2 -z Hello ]'.split(' '));

// Output:
    foo: true,
    plugins: [
            module: 'plugin1',
            x: true,
            y: true
            module: 'plugin2',
            z: 'Hello'

Similar Projects

  • optimist - Popular but deprecated. Awkward API and not DRY as shown in the following comparison:


var result = require('optimist')(args)
    .alias('h', 'help')
    .describe('h', 'Show this help message')
    .alias('f', 'foo')
    .describe('f', 'Some helpful description for "foo"')
    .alias('b', 'bar')
    .describe('b', 'Some helpful description for "bar"')


var result = require('raptor-args')
        '--help':   { type: 'string', description: 'Show this help message' },
        '--foo -f': { type: 'string', description: 'Some helpful description for "foo"' },
        '--bar -b': { type: 'string', description: 'Some helpful description for "bar"' }
  • yargs - A fork of optimist with documentation for those who speak Pirate.
  • minimist - Very few features (by design). Not DRY.


  • Support equal separator: --hello=world
  • Support number arg: -x256
  • Detect repeated declared options and throw an error
  • Add support for a default value
var parser = require('../')
        '--foo -f': {
            type: 'boolean',
            defaultValue: true

Additional Reading

For module help, check out the test cases under the "test" directory.



npm i raptor-args


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Patrick Steele-Idem
  • released 1/6/2016
