
RAML to object

RAML to object

NPM version Prettier

A thin wrapper around raml-js-parser-2, adding extra properties to the resulting object for use in raml2html and raml2md.

Versions 4.0.0 and up only support RAML 1.x files. If you still have RAML 0.8 source files, please stick with raml2obj 3.


npm i raml2obj --save


var raml2obj = require('raml2obj');

// source can either be a filename, url, or parsed RAML object.
// Returns a promise.
raml2obj.parse(source).then(function(ramlObj) {
  // Do something with the resulting ramlObj :)


The parse() function can be called with options to customize the result. Defaults are compatible with raml2html.

raml2obj.parse(source, {
  validate: true, 
  extensionsAndOverlays : [], 
  collectionFormat: 'arrays',
}).then(function(ramlObj) {
  // Do something with the resulting ramlObj :)
  • validate: triggers the rejectOnErrors flag of the underlying parser. defaults to false
  • extensionsAndOverlays: Defaults to []. See parser documentation.
  • collectionFormat: choose what data structure the double-nested [{name1: {..}}, {name2: {..}}] patterns of the raml-1-parser are transformed to in the output object:
collectionFormat value output
objects (default) {name1: { orderHint: 0, ..}, name2: { orderHint: 1, ..}} (eases e.g. property access). Applies to top-level collections only, nested are arrays except type properties.
arrays [ {key: "name1", ..}, {key: "name2", ..}] (eases e.g. representation in a database). Applies recursively everywhere.

Questions & Support

Do you have a question? Have you found a bug or would you like to request a feature? Please check out CONTRIBUTING.md.


raml2obj is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

npm i raml2obj


  • MIT
  • >=4
  • Kevin Renskers
  • released 6/28/2021
