
agent messaging protocol over WebSocket

ragents - agent messaging protocol over WebSocket

ragents is a messaging protocol run over WebSockets that allows multiple WebSocket clients to communicate with each other. A generic ragents server is used to distribute the messages between the clients, so you can have two or more parties communicating without any of them having to run in a traditional "server" mode. Which is nice for server-hostile environments, like web browsers, mobile devices etc.

A client connects to the ragents server to create a session, which is identified by the API key passed in at connection time. Any clients that create a session with the same API key will be able to exchange messages.

Messages are exchanged via agents. An agent can respond to request messages with a response message back to the sender, and can also emit event messages that any client can listen on.


Install the ragents server, and then run it on port 9000; eg, ragentsd -p 9000

Then run the two scripts below, in any order you like, as many times as you like.

sample "server"

var ragents = require("ragents")

// server URL and session key
var options = { url: "ws://localhost:9000", key: "sample" }

// connect to a session
ragents.createSession(options, sessionCreated)

// connected to session
function sessionCreated(err, session) {
  if (err) throw err

  // agent information
  var agentInfo = {name: "echoer", title: "an echo agent" }

  // create an agent
  session.createAgent(agentInfo, function(err, agent) {
    agentCreated(session, err, agent)

// agent was created
function agentCreated(session, err, agent) {
  if (err) throw err
  console.log("agent", agent.info.id, "created, waiting for echo requests")

  // agent will handle "echo" requests
  agent.receive("echo", function(body, reply) {
    // send message body back to sender
    reply(null, body)

    // emit an "echoed" event, with the message body
    agent.emit("echoed", body)

    console.log("agent responded to echo request")

sample client

var ragents = require("ragents")

// server URL and session key
var options = { url: "ws://localhost:9000", key: "sample" }

// connect to a session
ragents.createSession(options, sessionCreated)

// connected to a session
function sessionCreated(err, session) {
  if (err) throw err

  // watch for new agents being created
  session.on("ragentCreated", agentAdded)

  // get all the available agents

  console.log("waiting for agents")

// got the available remote agents
function gotRemoteAgents(err, ragents) {
  if (err) throw err

// for every agent we see ...
function agentAdded(ragent) {

  // only interested in "echoer" agents
  if (ragent.info.name != "echoer") return

  // when an "echoer" agent emits an "echoed" event ...
  ragent.on("echoed", function(body) {
    console.log("agent", ragent.info.id, "echoed:", body)

  // send an "echo" request to the agent
  var body = {a: 1}
  console.log("agent", ragent.info.id, "send:  ", body)

  ragent.send("echo", body, function(err, body){
    // response received from agent
    console.log("agent", ragent.info.id, "sent:  ", body)

using ragents

You can program either to the WebSocket message protocol or to the JavaScript API.

For node.js, the JavaScript API is available via the ragents package on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ragents

For the browser, you can either use a node module packager like browserify with the ragents package, or you can use the standalone file www/ragents-browser.js which adds an ragents global, and otherwise is the same as the npm package.

The ragents-server package provides generic server code for a ragents server, as well as a standalone executable, ragentsd. See the ragents-server package on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ragents-server


This project uses cake as it's build tool. To rebuild the project continuously, use the command

npm run watch

Other cake commands are available (assuming you are using npm v2) with the command

npm run cake -- <command here>

Run npm run cake to see the other commands available in the Cakefile.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

npm i ragents


