
Drawer widget for web page
drawer sidebar ui


Organize widgets as drawer and content layers inside wrapper layer.



Drawer can work with different devices and support different user input method such as mouse or touch. Therefore your wrapper layer should support point and tap events, it is needed for compatibility with different devices. Drawer uses next events:

  • tap
  • pointerup
  • pointermove
  • pointerdown
  • pointercancel
  • fling

so before instance drawer you should add support pointer and tap events for wrapper layer. We recommend use our modules Pointer and Gesture. ###Initialization At first You should make wrapper layer with two layers first layer will be used as drawer, second one as content.

<div class = "wrapper_layer">
    <div class="drawer_layer">

    <div class="content_layer">

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Next step - make instance of Drawer with wrapper element.

var wrapper = document.querySelector('.wrapper_layer'),
    tracker = new PointerTracker(wrapper),
    gesture = new GestureTracker(wrapper);
drawer = new Drawer(wrapper);

Now your widget will have next view when drawer is close

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and such view when drawer is open

GitHub Logo ####Options parameters You can customize behavior of drawer for this you should initialize drawer with options object

    drawer = new Drawer(wrapper, {
        align: 'right',
        maxWidth: '30%',
        startTrackingZone: '50',
        animationTime: 1000,
        onActionEnd: function (drawerState) {
            console.log(drawerState ? 'close' : 'open');

Here is list of options object fields. if you don't set one or more fields they will be set with default value. If you init drawer without options object,

drawer = new Drawer(wrapper);

drawer will be init with default parameters from this list.

Parametr Default value Description
align left set align for drawer: left/right/top/bottom
overlay true Add overlay layer over content layout
overlayOpacity true Makes overlay layer opaque if set as true or transparent if set false
overlayBackground rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) Color which will be filled overlay layer
swipe true Enable/Disable swiping content layout
preventMove true Enable/Disable native scroll in drover layout for Android OS
resizeEvent true Allows automatically resizes drawer and content layouts
maxWidth 70% Percent value of drawer layout width
startTrackingZone 20% Percent value of area width which allows swipe content layout
animationTime 350 Duration of animation close/open drawer bar in ms
onActionEnd empty function Callback functions will be called after drawer changes state from close to open or conversely
onActionStart empty function Callback functions will be called before drawer changes state from closed to open or conversely
Enable/Disable reaction for swipe gesture. You can change state of swipe any time, this key has the same behavior as swipe field of options object.

####isEnableSwipe() Return boolean value is swipe mode enabled or disabled.

var isEnable = drawer.isEnableSwipe();

####isClosed() Return boolean value about drawer state true - if is close, false - if is open.

 var isDrawerClose =drawer.isClosed();

####setOnActionStartCallback(onActionStartCallback) Method takes as parameter callback function. It rewrites callback function that was set in options parameter onActionStart and has the same behavior.

      drawer.setOnActionStartCallback(function (state) {
          console.log("Action start");

####setOnActionEndCallback(onActionEndCallback) Method takes as parameter callback function. It rewrites callback function that was set in options parameter onActionEnd and has the same behavior.

      drawer.setOnActionEndCallback(function (state) {
          console.log("Action end");

####refresh() Updates size parameters of wrapper, drawer and content layers. This method will be automatically called when content layer will be resized. It need for correct work of drawer after size was changed.



