
Generator based flow-control that supports both callback and promise


Generator based flow-control that supports both callback and promise.

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npm install raco

Many existing flow-control libraries such as co, assume promises to be the lowest denominator of async handling. Callback function requires promisify patch to be compatible, which creates unnecessary complication.

In raco, both callbacks and promises are yieldable. Resulting function can be called by both callbacks and promises. This enables a powerful control flow while maintaining simplicity.

raco(fn*, [opts])

Resolves a generator function. This does not return a Promise; uncaught error will be thrown.

// import raco
var raco = require('raco')
raco(function * (next) {
  // yield promise
  console.log(yield Promise.resolve('foo')) // 'foo'
  try {
    yield Promise.reject(new Error('boom'))
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(err.message) // 'boom'

  // yield callback
  yield setTimeout(next, 1000) // delay 1 second
  var data = yield fs.readFile('./data', next)
  yield mkdirp('/tmp/foo/bar', next)
  yield pump(

Yieldable callback works by supplying an additional next argument. Yielding non-yieldable value pauses the current generator, until next(err, val) being invoked by callback. val passes back to yielded value, or throw if err exists.

raco(function * (next) {
  var res = yield setTimeout(() => {
    next(null, 'foo')
  }, 100)
  console.log(res) // 'foo'

  try {
    yield setTimeout(() => {
      next(new Error('boom'))
    }, 100)
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(err.message) // 'boom'

fn = raco.wrap(fn*, [opts])

Wraps a generator function into regular function that optionally accepts callback or returns a promise.

var fn = raco.wrap(function * (arg1, arg2, next) {
  // pass arguments followed by `next`
  return arg1 + arg2

fn(167, 199, (err, val) => { ... }) // Use with callback

fn(167, 689) // use with promise
  .then((val) => { ... })
  .catch((err) => { ... })

raco.wrapAll(obj, [opts])

Wraps generator methods of class or object.

class App {
  * fn (next) { ... }
  * fn2 (next) { ... }

// wrap prototype object

var app = new App()

app.fn((err, val) => {...})


Calling raco with options object makes a factory function with a set of available options:

var raco = require('raco')({
  Promise: null, // disable Promise
  yieldable: function (val, cb) {
    // custom yieldable
  prepend: true // prepend or append `next` argument


Raco uses native promise by default. This can be overridden by setting raco.Promise.

var raco = require('raco')({ Promise: require('bluebird') })


By default, next(err, val) function appends to arguments fn* (args..., next). If opts.prepend set to true, generator function is called with fn* (next, args...). This can be useful for functions that accept varying numbers of arguments.

var raco = require('raco')

var fn = raco.wrap(function * (next, a, b) {
  return a + b
}, { prpend: true })

fn(1, 6, (err, val) => {
  console.log(val) // 7
fn(1, 6).then((val) => {
  console.log(val) // 7


By default, the following objects are considered yieldable:

  • Promise
  • Generator
  • Generator Function
  • Thunk

It is also possible to override the default yieldable mapper. Use with caution:

  • Takes the yielded value, returns true to acknowledge yieldable.
  • Callbackcb(err, val) to resolve the yieldable.
var raco = require('raco')({
  yieldable: (val, cb) => {
    // map array to Promise.all
    if (Array.isArray(val)) {
      Promise.all(val).then((res) => {
        cb(null, res)
      }, cb)
      return true // acknowledge yieldable
    // Anything can be mapped!
    if (val === 689) {
      cb(new Error('DLLM'))
      return true // acknowledge yieldable
    return false // acknowledge non-yieldable

raco(function * () {
  console.log(yield [
  ]) // [1, 2, 3]

  // yield 689 throws error
  try {
    yield 689
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(err.message) // 'DLLM'




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Adrian C Shum
  • released 6/30/2016

