
Readium 2 'shared' for NodeJS (TypeScript)
readium readium2 shared EPUB TypeScript JavaScript ES5 ES6 ECMAScript 2015 and 8 more...

NodeJS / TypeScript Readium-2 "shared" models

NodeJS implementation (written in TypeScript) of core models for the Readium2 architecture ( https://github.com/readium/architecture/ ).


Build status

NPM David



  1. https://nodejs.org NodeJS >= 8, NPM >= 5 (check with command line node --version and npm --version)
  2. OPTIONAL: https://yarnpkg.com Yarn >= 1.0 (check with command line yarn --version)

GitHub repository


There is no github.io site for this project (no gh-pages branch).

NPM package


Command line install:

npm install r2-shared-js OR yarn add r2-shared-js

...or manually add in your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "r2-shared-js": "latest"

The JavaScript code distributed in the NPM package is usable as-is (no transpilation required), as it is automatically-generated from the TypeScript source.

Several ECMAScript flavours are provided out-of-the-box: ES5, ES6-2015, ES7-2016, ES8-2017:


(alternatively, GitHub mirror with semantic-versioning release tags: https://github.com/edrlab/r2-shared-js-dist/tree/develop/dist/ )

The JavaScript code is not bundled, and it uses require() statement for imports (NodeJS style).

More information about NodeJS compatibility:


Note that web-browser Javascript is currently not supported (only NodeJS runtimes).

The type definitions (aka "typings") are included as *.d.ts files in ./node_modules/r2-shared-js/dist/**, so this package can be used directly in a TypeScript project.

Example usage:

// from index file
import { Publication } from "r2-shared-js/dist/es5/src";

// ES5 import (assuming node_modules/r2-shared-js/):
import { Publication } from "r2-shared-js/dist/es5/src/models/publication";

// ... or alternatively using a convenient path alias in the TypeScript config (+ WebPack etc.):
import { Publication } from "@r2-shared-js/models/publication";



A package-lock.json is provided (modern NPM replacement for npm-shrinkwrap.json).

A yarn.lock file is currently not provided at the root of the source tree.

Continuous Integration

TODO (unit tests?) https://travis-ci.org/readium/r2-shared-js

Badge: [![Travis](https://travis-ci.org/readium/r2-shared-js.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/readium/r2-shared-js)

Version(s), Git revision(s)

NPM package (latest published):


Alternatively, GitHub mirror with semantic-versioning release tags:


Developer quick start

Command line steps (NPM, but similar with YARN):

  1. cd r2-shared-js
  2. git status (please ensure there are no local changes, especially in package-lock.json and the dependency versions in package.json)
  3. rm -rf node_modules (to start from a clean slate)
  4. npm install, or alternatively npm ci (both commands initialize the node_modules tree of package dependencies, based on the strict package-lock.json definition)
  5. npm run build:all (invoke the main build script: clean, lint, compile)
  6. ls dist (that's the build output which gets published as NPM package)
  7. npm run cli PATH_TO_PACKED_OR_EXPLODED_EPUB PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FOLDER OPTIONAL_DECRYPT_KEY (to parse a publication and convert it to a Readium2 manifest with extracted resources, paths can be relative or absolute)
  8. npm run cli ./misc/epubs/wasteland-otf-obf_LCP_dan.lcpl.epub ./misc/epubs/ dan (same as above, working example with built-in sample LCP basic/test profile)
  9. npm run cli ./misc/epubs/wasteland-otf-obf_LCP_dan.lcpl.epub ./misc/epubs/ ec4f2dbb3b140095550c9afbbb69b5d6fd9e814b9da82fad0b34e9fcbe56f1cb (same as above, with SHA256 checksum/hex-digest to avoid plain-text passphrase in console)
  10. npm run cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readium/r2-shared-js/develop/misc/epubs/wasteland-otf-obf_LCP_dan.lcpl.epub ./misc/epubs/ dan (same as above, but with a remote HTTP URL)

Daisy Integration




