
State Management System
flux container redux immutable functional react quantizer state types and 6 more...


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Basic Usage

Quantizer is library wich helps you store and validate your immutable data structures, Quantizer represents data as simple unordered tree.


import { State } from 'quantizer';

const user = State.Map({
  id: 1,
  name: 'John',


import { State } from 'quantizer';

const users = State.List([{
  id: 1,
  name: 'John',
}, {
  id: 2,
  name: 'Paul',



Under the hood core element of Quantizer graph is Node, and as agreement other elements wich build blocks of the data structure is also Node instances.


  • set(value) - set value of node
  • get() - return value of node
import { State } from 'quantizer';

const node = State.Node();

=> 'foo'


Key-value storage. { id: 1, name: 'John' }


  • setAttribute(key, value) - set value of the attribute.
  • getAttribute(key) - return value of attribute.
  • set(value) - clear structure and then save the serialized data.
  • get(...keys) - returns deserialized value of the node, there is few avaliable ways to get value, first way is call get() wich return all the node attributes, other way is to dirrectly enumerate wich attributes will be deserialized get('id', 'name').
  • merge(value) - merge value to the node, like Object.assign for plain objects.
  • find(key) - returns serialized attribute or undefined if value is not founnd.
  • map(handler) - iterator across the node, handler takes two arguments wich attribute, keyName, returns a list of values returned from handler.
  • clear() - clear current node.
  • clone() - clone current node.
  • toJSON() - convert node to JSON string.
  • fromJSON(str) - convert JSON string to node.


Index-value storage. [1, 2, 3] Mehods:

  • set(value) - clear structure and then save the serialized data.
  • get(args) - returns deserialized data, args will be passed to get method of the child nodes.
  • push(value) - push value to current node.
  • concat(list) - concat list to current node.
  • remove(node) - remode child node.
  • at(index) - returns a child element by index, also avaliable at('first') and at('last'), returns first and last child from the list respectively.
  • where(query) - returns child nodes that have a matches with the query, there is a few ways using it method, where('id', 1) returns node wich have id === 1, other way is tu pass couple params to find matches where({ gender: 'male', age: 10 })
  • map(handler) - iterator across the node, handler takes two arguments wich attribute, index, returns a list of values returned from handler.
  • filter(handler) - iterator across the node with calling filter function and return list of filtering results, if filter function returns true element will be passed to result list otherwise it will be skipped.
  • sortBy(key) - sorts list by element valur or value of his key specified in argument.


For validation Quantizer provide two instruments wich is Type and Schema, this instruments help to describe and validate data structures in a declarative way.


Is a core feature wich validate input data, Type should know about couple things:

  • name - name of the type validator, will be used for formating errors.
  • validator - validator function takes a value to validate and return boolean verdict.
  • instance - instance of the Quantizer node wich will be used for serialization.
  • nested - nested type of the node, currently supported by List.
  • required - is value need to be required or no.

Type API is just two simple methods:

  • validate(value) - returns errors report.
  • parse(value) - serialize input value to the instance.

Example of the type:

import { Type, State } from 'quantizer';

const type = Type({
    name: 'Number',
    validator: value => typeof value === 'number',
    instance: State.Number,

=> new ValidationError('Number', 'String')

=> new State.Number(1)

Build in types:

  • Any
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Number
  • List
  • Map
  • UUID
  • ObjectID


Actually, Schema is more variation of Type, it helps to describe complex structures

Schema API is just two simple methods like Type does:

  • validate(value) - returns errors report.
  • parse(value) - serialize input value to the instance.
import { Type, Schema } from 'quantizer';

const user = new Schema('User', {
    id: Type.Number,
  name: Type.String,

=> new ValidationError('Map', 'List')

    id: 'John',
   name: 1,

=> {
  name: "User",
  count: 2,
  map: {
    id: new ValidationError('Number', 'String'),
    name: new ValidationError('String', 'Number'),

type.parse({ id: 1, name: 'John' });
=> new State.Map({ id: 1, name: 'John' })

A few variations of using Schema:

import { State, Schema } from 'quantizer';

const userSchema = new Schema('User', {
  id: Type.Number,
  name: Type.String,

// just type validation
const listWithTypeValidation = new Schema('UserList', {
    messages: [Type.Number],

// validate fields according Schema
const listWithSchemaValidation = new Schema('UserList', {
    messages: [userSchema],

// list like instance factory
class UserModel extends State.Map {
    static schema = userSchema;
  constructor(data) {
    super(data, UserModel.schema)

const listWithIstanceFactory = new Schema('UserList', {
    messages: [UserModel],

// list type like instance factory
class UserModel extends State.List {
  constructor(value) {
    super(value, UserModel);

const userListType = new Type({
    name: 'UsersList',
  instance: DocumentFieldList,
    validate: is.list,

const listTypeWithIstanceFactory = new Schema('UserList', {
    messages: userListType,
npm i quantizer


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Arkadiy Pilguk
  • released 12/27/2018

