
Creates an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) cert, validated using Route53 DNS records


This module:

  • creates a certificate in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  • creates associated DNS validation records in Route53
  • waits for the DNS records to be validated, and the certificate to be issued.


This example will create an ACM certificate, and create validation records in the 'example.com' Route53 zone.

import * as acmCert from 'pulumi-acm-dns-validated-cert'

const cert = new acmCert.ACMCert('example-cert', {
    subject: 'www.example.com',
    zoneName: 'example.com',

export const certArn = cert.certificateArn

If preferred, you can specify the zoneId instead. You can also use subjectAlternativeNames to create a certificate with multiple domains:

const cert = new acmCert.ACMCert('example-cert', {
    subject: 'example.com',
    subjectAlternativeNames: [
    zoneId: 'MY-ZONE-ID',

Sometimes, you need to create the certificate in a non-default region. Pulumi allows you to specify your own provider and pass it in using opts. The next example creates the certificate in the us-east-1 region:

import * as aws from '@pulumi/aws'

const useast1 = new aws.Provider('us-east-1', {
    region: 'us-east-1'

const cert = new acmCert.ACMCert('example-cert', {
    subject: 'example.com',
    zoneId: 'example.com',
    provider: useast1,
npm i pulumi-acm-dns-validated-cert


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Seven West Media WA
  • released 11/27/2019

