
`protoc` plugin generating minimal JS codecs with typings and a focus on small bundle size


protoc plugin generating minimal JS codecs with typings and a focus on small bundle size


protoc \
  --plugin=protoc-gen-js="$(npm bin)/protoc-plugin-js" \
  --js_out="./build" \
  -I "vega/protos/sources" \

Main Ideas

Each package, namespace, message and enum is split into separate files to help tree-shaking and minimise the final bundle size, if the user imports only the messages needed. Generated files are CommonJS, as that's the only format thats both compabitle with CommonJS and ESM consumers.

All field names are transformed into their "JSON" form by protoc, eg. my_field in protobuf will be myField in JS.

Currently merging of field is not supported.


Falsy values are not encoded as they coincide with default values in protobuf, with the exception of repeated elements, which are checked against the length of a possible array.

Unrecognised properties are not encoded as no mapping exists from an unknown key to a fieldNumber.

oneofs are namespaced under the name of the oneof, eg.

message Example {
  oneof pick {
    uint32 before = 1;
    uint32 after = 2;

can be set as { pick: { before: 2000 } } or { pick: { after: 2000 } }. { pick: {} } will encode to nothing, as none of the fields in the oneof are given. As a fallback for how most golang proto-to-JSON marshallers work, you can also give after: 2000 for the encoding direction, however the encoder will always prefer the more specific .pick.after.


  • tag is encoded as a pair of fieldNumber and wireType. fieldNumber can be at most 29 bits
  • bytes and string are defined in the spec to be at most 2GB, however that is not validated currently
  • uint64, int64, uint32 and int32 can be both encoded as varint and fixed{32,64}. This library encodes them as varint currently
  • While not entirely clear in the spec, varint will encode up to 64 bits, even if the format could encode arbitrary size numbers
  • optional values and unused oneofs are decoded as null to distinguish them from undefined fields, as "explicit presence"


Decoding is done in three steps:

  1. A reader will iterate over the full protobuf message, emitting a key/value pair for each tag encountered
  2. values are decoded based on their wireType into one of varint, bytes, fixed64 or fixed32
  3. The compiled decoder will switch based on the fieldNumber and apply a "view" based on the type given in the protobuf message file, eg. string will decode a bytes into a JS string, sint64 will decode a varint and apply zig-zag decoding into a JS BigInt

Unknown fields and duplicate fields will still go through step 1 and 2, but may be discarded or overwrite a previous field in step 3.

Nested messages default to {} (empty object) since



npm i protoc-plugin-js


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Emil Bay
  • released 4/23/2024
