
Protobuf RPC over HTTP 1

Protobuf RPC over HTTP 1

Supports all unary RPC calls over HTTP 1.

Generates clients for:

  • .NET Core 3
  • Angular (tested with Angular 6)

Supports server for:

Default values in JSON: The typescript typings assume that default values are not included in JSON. As of now (dec 2019), protobuf PHP does not support this feature, see


PHP server

Generate PHP classes for PHP server, includes interface for service and PHP classes for the protobuf types:

protoc --proto_path=example/protos \
    --php_out=example/out-php \

Use timostamm/protoc-h1-php-server to serve.

dotnet client for the PHP server

Run npm install protoc-h1-plugins to install the plugins. Generate C# code for the protobuf types and the dotnet client:

protoc --proto_path=example/protos \
    --plugin=node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-h1c-dotnetcore \
    --h1c-dotnetcore_out=example/out-csharp \
    --csharp_opt=base_namespace= \
    --csharp_out=example/out-csharp \
    --csharp_opt=base_namespace= \

angular client for the PHP server

Generates typescript interfaces for all protobuf messages, generates client using angularĀ“s http client.

protoc --proto_path=example/protos \
    --plugin=node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-h1c-angular \
    --h1c-angular_out=example/out-angular \

angular client for the PHP server


  • Support typescript typings for JSON with included default values, once PHP supports outputting them:

    • int32, uint32, int64, uint64, double, float: always present, default value 0
    • bytes: always present, default value ""
    • bool: always present, default value false
    • map: always present, default value {}
    • repeated fields: always present, default value []
    • message fields: always present, default value null
    • enum fields: always present, default value = name of first enum value (string)
  • C# client: Client-wide option to send binary or json.

  • C# client: Client-wide option: factory for accept headers, taking proto and bin/json flag as argument, returning enumerable of acceptable type (and quality), validate response.

  • C# client: Default accept headers factory:

    When sending binary: application/protobuf; proto=..., application/protobuf, application/json; proto=..., application/json

    When sending json: application/json; proto=..., application/json, application/protobuf; proto=..., application/protobuf

  • C# client: Always POST.

  • Support HTTP configuration via annotations:

  • Implement PHP client?


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 2/4/2020

