
Add retry functionality to any Promise based library
retry promise retryify patch backoff


Add retry functionality to any Promise based library

Build Status master branch status

NPM Badge


  • Works with any library / module / object which has methods that return Promises. Also individual functions can be retryified.
  • Everything can be highly customized, including backoff strategy
  • Doesn't mutate given object


const SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node');
const promiseRetryify = require('promise-retryify');

const spotify = new SpotifyWebApi({ /* options .. */ });
const retryingSpotify = promiseRetryify(spotify);

// Voila! We have now a clone of the Spotify API, which supports retrying of
// API calls. The API is exactly the same as in the original library, but it
// transparently retries failed calls.
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(err => {
    // We only end up here if the underlying `spotify.searchTracks('Adele')`
    // failed enough times and we stopped retrying.

The above is often not enough and you need more customization. See a real-life example of wrapping the spotify-web-api-node library.

More examples here.


npm install promise-retryify --save

Node 6+ supported. Browsers are not supported at the moment. It would require:

  • Promise polyfill / use Bluebird Promises
  • Transpile the src/index.js to ES5


promiseRetryify(object, [opts])

If object is a JS Object, returns a clone of object where each function attribute has been wrapped to retry when a rejected Promise is returned. Also object's prototype methods are iterated. Note that the object is not deeply traversed, only the first-level attributes are iterated.

If object is a Function, returns a new wrapper function which retries when a rejected Promise is returned from the original function.

opts.attributePicker may be used to customize which functions are wrapped. All non-function attributes are left as is. Has no effect if passed object is a Function.

Retrying is done only when a function returns Promise object. Other values are ignored.


May be a JS Object or Function. Object should be iterable with a for loop.


Most options are functions to allow maximal customization. The values listed below are the defaults.

  // Retry count overrides even though shouldRetry returns true
  // For unlimited retries, use Infinity.
  // To disable retrying, use 0.
  // The first try is not counted as a "retry". If e.g. opts.maxRetries = 1,
  // The original API is called twice in the worst scenario:
  //   1. The real try
  //   2. The first retry
  maxRetries: 5,

  // Function which should return Number. Number is the timeout before retrying
  // in milliseconds. `retryCount` is the amount of retries already executed.
  // For the first retry event, the value of `retryCount` equals 0.
  retryTimeout: retryCount => 500,

  // Function which should return a Boolean.
  //  true:  retry will be executed if maxRetries hasn't been reached yet
  //  false: retrying will be skipped
  // Function gets the Promise rejection error value as the first parameter.
  shouldRetry: err => true,

  // Function which should return a Promise or undefined.
  // Executed before each retry. Can return a Promise for async operations.
  // For example this could be used to refresh oauth2 access_token before
  // retrying a request.
  beforeRetry: retryCount => Promise.resolve(),

  // Function which should return a Boolean.
  // When looping each attribute of the given `object`, this method will be
  // called to decide if the attribute should be wrapped or not.
  //  true:  attribute should be wrapped with retry
  //  false: attribute should be left as is
  // Function gets the object attribute name as the first parameter.
  // Has no effect if passed `object` is a Function.
  attributePicker: attrKey => true,

  // Function which is called if all calls failed.
  // Function gets the error object of the last retry call as the first
  // parameter.
  // Rest parameters match to the original function's parameters
  onAllFailed: (lastErr, param1, param2) => console.log('All calls failed!');


Example configurations, using Spotify API as the wrapped library. Assume that these modules have been require'd:

const SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node');
const promiseRetryify = require('promise-retryify');

Wrapping single function

const readFileAsync = BPromise.promisify(require('fs').readFile)
const retryingRead = promiseRetryify(readFileAsync);
// Now when calling `retryingRead`, it will retry file reading
// with default options

Exponential backoff

const spotify = new SpotifyWebApi({ /* options .. */ });
const retryingSpotify = promiseRetryify(spotify, {
  // 1sec, 2secs, 4secs, 8secs, 16secs, 32secs ...
  retryTimeout: (retryCount) => Math.pow(2, retryCount) * 1000

Omit "private" attributes

There's no such thing as real private in JavaScript but underscore prefix is used to communicate privateness.

const spotify = new SpotifyWebApi({ /* options .. */ });
const retryingSpotify = promiseRetryify(spotify, {
  // Omit "private" methods
  attributePicker: attrName => attrName[0] !== '_',

Infinite retries

const spotify = new SpotifyWebApi({ /* options .. */ });
const retryingSpotify = promiseRetryify(spotify, {
  maxRetries: Infinity
  // Note: shouldRetry can be used to stop retrying on certain errors



npm i promise-retryify


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kimmo Brunfeldt
  • released 5/5/2020

