
A tiny (208B to 260B) utility to remove items recursively
del remove rimraf

premove CI codecov

A tiny (208B to 260B) utility to remove items recursively

This is a Promise-based, cross-platform utility that recursively removes files and directories. It's effectively a programmatic rm -rf for Node.js. There's also a CLI for easy, cross-platform usage.

Notice: Node v12.10.0 includes the recursive option for fs.rmdir and fs.rmdirSync.


$ npm install --save premove


There are two "versions" of premove available:


Node.js: >= 8.x
Size (gzip): 249 bytes
Availability: CommonJS, ES Module

This is the primary/default mode. It makes use of async/await and util.promisify.


Node.js: >= 6.x
Size (gzip): 202 bytes
Availability: CommonJS, ES Module

This is the opt-in mode, ideal for scenarios where async usage cannot be supported.
In order to use it, simply make the following changes:

-import { premove } from 'premove';
+import { premove } from 'premove/sync';


import { resolve } from 'path';
import { premove } from 'premove';

// Async/await
try {
  await premove('./foobar');
} catch (err) {

// Promise
premove('./foobar').then(val => {
  console.log(typeof val);
  //=> boolean
}).catch(err => {

// Using `cwd` option
const dir = resolve('./foo/bar');
await premove('hello.txt', { cwd: dir });


A premove binary is available as of v3.0.0.
It accepts an optional --cwd value and a list of paths to delete.

Important: By default premove refuses to delete:

  • the os.homedir
  • the system root (/, C:\\, etc)
  • items not contained by --cwd path
# remove "foo" and "bar" via `npx`
$ npx premove foo bar

# install globally, use whenever
$ npm install premove -g
$ premove foo bar


premove(str, opts={})

Returns: Promise<boolean>

Returns a Promise that resolves with a boolean value.
If true, indicates that the str input did exist and was successfully removed. A false value indicates that the str input did not exist, meaning nothing needed to be removed.

The sync and async versions share the same API.
The only difference is that sync is not Promise-based.


Type: String

The filepath to remove – may be a file or a directory.
An initial existence check is made for this filepath.

Important: This value is resolved to a full path.
Please be aware of how and from where the Node.js file system is resolving your path!


Type: String
Default: .

The directory to resolve your str from.
Defaults to the process.cwd() – aka, the directory that your command is run within.


  • totalist - A tiny (195B to 224B) utility to recursively list all (total) files in a directory
  • mk-dirs - A tiny (381B to 419B) utility to make a directory and its parents, recursively
  • escalade - A tiny (183B) and fast utility to ascend parent directories


MIT © Luke Edwards

npm i premove


  • MIT
  • >=6
  • Luke Edwards
  • released 12/10/2021

