
Support for Precondition error checking in Node.js.
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Preconditions Library

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Support for Precondition error checking in Node.js

Ensuring a fail fast development environment can help developers find bugs quicker and easier. Ensuring all invariants are true at an initial point of contact will help you ensure this fail fast environment. The Preconditions library will assist you in doing just that by immediately throwing an Error if any of your invariants fail. You can mix and match standard Guava API with convenience functions both with and without chaining.

Version 2 Additions

Version 2 adds a new entry point on the interface, 'errr'. The errr interface decorates the errr node module and helps to solve some important issues with Node, listed below. See This version also updates the module to Node 5 paradigms.

  1. When templating / generating an error message, we must not string concat strings that are never used. Building an error message before it is needed, will take away cycles from more important tasks in the event queue. There are great performance gains to be found here if you are templating error messages.
  2. Appends Error stack traces together. If you append errors at each layer of your code, and only print the stack trace at the top most layer of your code, you will have stack traces that paint a much clearer picture when debugging. Allows you to get a more informative stack trace when using promise chains.
  3. Add debug params to stack traces to assist with bug resolution.


npm install preconditions

Preconditions Interface

There are four functions that are exposed from the library.

  1. errr() - Verify a one value at a time while building an 'errr' object. You can append errors together and add debug params to the stack trace.
  2. singleton() - Verify one value at a time with a chainable preconditions interface.
  3. instance() - Create a testing suite passing in a single object. Run a single, or multiple tests on the passed in object. Shouldn't be used in production code.
  4. constructor() - Get the constructor function so you can extend the Preconditions library (see below for example). Shouldn't be used in production code.

Examples Using the Errr Interface (.errr())

You can use a static instance to verify one value at a time while using the errr module to build an errr. For more on the errr module see here and here

    var preconditions = require("preconditions").errr();
    preconditions.shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueOne, "Custom error message.").test();
    preconditions.shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueOne, "Error (%s:%s): Error Message.", [errType, errCode]).test();
    preconditions.shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueOne, "Custom error message.").debug({param1: "someDebugParam"}).test();
    preconditions.shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueOne, "Custom error message.").appendTo(someErrorObj).test();
    preconditions.shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueTwo, "Error (%s:%s): Error Message.", [errType, errCode]);
      .debug({param1: "someDebugParam"})

Examples Using In Promise Chain

Best practice for achieving fail fast concept when function must return promise;

    var preconditions = require("preconditions").errr();

    new BlueBirdProm(function (resolve, reject {

      preconditions.shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueTwo, "Error (%s:%s): Error Message.", [errType, errCode]);
            .debug({param1: "someDebugParam"})
            .set("reason", "Some Error").set("statusCode", 400)
            .test(); // Can also short hand this call to .t();
      return someAsynchFunc().then(function (result) {
      }).catch(function (err) {

Examples Using the Singleton Interface (.singleton())

You can use a static instance to verify one value at a time.

    var preconditions = require("preconditions").singleton();
      .shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueTwo, "Error (%s:%s): Error Message.", [errType, errCode]).test();
      .shouldBeDefined(someObj.valueThree, "Custom error message.");

Examples Using Instance Interface (.instance())

Should not be used in production code!

Setup Instance

    var preconditions = require("preconditions").instance(this);
    preconditions.shouldBeDefined("foo.deep.stringValue", "Custom error message.")
      .checkArguments("FOO" === "FOO");

Examples Using The Constructor (.constructor())

Should not be used in production code!

The Preconditions object itself is exposed so that you can extend the Preconditions class.

    let Constructor = preconditions.constructor();
    let ChildClass = class extends Constructor {
      constructor(out) {

      shouldBeFoo(value, message) {
        let msg = message || defaultMessage;

        if (value !== "FOO") {
          throw new Error(msg);
    new ChildClass(this).shouldBeDefined("foo.deep.stringValue", "Custom error message.")

NPM Scripts

  1. npm run test - Run linter and unit tests.
  2. npm run ut - Use Maddox to Run Unit Tests.
  3. npm run perf - Use Maddox to Performance metrics.
  4. npm run uap - Use Maddox to Unit Tests and Performance metrics.
  5. npm run lint - Run linter.
  6. npm run docs - Rebuild public API Docs.

Missing API or Bugs

Please reach out to me (Cory Parrish) if you would like a new precondition added or if you think you have found a bug.

###Known Issues

  1. Release 1.0.2 has an npm install bug and has been deprecated! Please update!
  2. If you are using windows and are seeing npm install issues due to the '^' in the package.json, please update node to >= (v0.10.28).


  • 2.0.0
    • Adds errr interface which decorates errr node module
    • Allows templating in singleton interface.
    • Notes the poor performance in instance interface. Should not be used in production code.
    • Redesign of code.
    • Now uses maddox for unit testing.
    • Moves to Node 5 paradigms.
  • 1.0.8 - Removed 'underscore' and added 'lodash'.
    • Added a .jshintrc file and a more extensive linting process
    • Separated dependencies and dev-dependencies to reduce installation load (A big thanks to Esteban Ordano (eordano) for doing this work).
  • 1.0.7 - First official public release.




Validate values in a nested object using a dot notation structure (e.g. .shouldBeString("")) System will validate the the Person, Person.Address, and Person.Address.Street objects exist, and will validate that zip is a String.

Use this interface if you want to utilize the following functionality:

  1. Nested object validation using a dot notation.

Validate single value with a chainable interface. Use this interface if you want to utilize the following functionality:

  1. Error message templating.
  2. Only templates error message if validation fails which saves event queue cycles.
  3. Chain together precondition validations.

Error Builder allows you to use optional functions to build an error object. The error can have appended stack traces and debug params to assist with debugging.


Validate single value with a buildable interface on top of the errr node module. Use this interface if you want to utilize the following functionality:

  1. Error message templating.
  2. Only templates error message if ErrrValidator fails which saves event queue cycles.
  3. Gives ability to append Stack traces to an existing error.
  4. Gives ability to append debug params to stack trace.

Preconditions entry point interface.


Validate values in a nested object using a dot notation structure (e.g. .shouldBeString("")) System will validate the the Person, Person.Address, and Person.Address.Street objects exist, and will validate that zip is a String.

Use this interface if you want to utilize the following functionality:

  1. Nested object validation using a dot notation.

Kind: global class

new InstanceValidator(objectUnderTest)

Param Type Description
objectUnderTest Object Object to run validations against.

instanceValidator.shouldBeDefined(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is defined.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeUndefined(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not defined.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeNonEmptyArray(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not an array or is an empty array.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeArray(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is an array.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeArray(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not an array.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeObject(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is of type Object.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeObject(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not of type Object.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeEmpty(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not empty.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeEmpty(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is empty.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeFunction(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not of type Function.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeFunction(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is of type Function.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeString(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not of type String.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeString(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is of type String.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeNumber(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not of type Number.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeNumber(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is of type Number.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeFinite(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not finite.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeInfinite(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not infinte.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeBoolean(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not of type Boolean.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeBoolean(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is of type Boolean.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeDate(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not of type Date.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeDate(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is of type Date.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeRegExp(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not a Regular Expression.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeRegExp(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is a Regular Expression.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeFalsey(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is not falsey.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeFalsey(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if any value does not exist in the objectToTest, from configPath. Throws an error if the last key from configPath is falsey.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeFalsy(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldBeFalsey.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeFalsy(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldNotBeFalsey.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldBeTruthy(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldNotBeFalsey.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.shouldNotBeTruthy(configPath, [message]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldBeFalsey.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
configPath String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.checkArgument(expression, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
expression String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

instanceValidator.checkState(expression, [message]) ⇒ this

Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling InstanceValidator, but not involving any parameters to the calling method.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
expression String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.checkElementIndex(index, size, [message]) ⇒ this

Ensures that index specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size size.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
index Number
size Number
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.checkPositionIndex(index, size, [message]) ⇒ this

Ensures that index specifies a valid position in an array, list or string of size size.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
index Number
size Number
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.

instanceValidator.checkPositionIndexes(start, end, size, [message]) ⇒ this

Ensures that start and end specify a valid positions in an array, list or string of size size, and are in order.

Kind: instance method of InstanceValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
start Number
end Number
size Number
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.


Validate single value with a chainable interface. Use this interface if you want to utilize the following functionality:

  1. Error message templating.
  2. Only templates error message if validation fails which saves event queue cycles.
  3. Chain together precondition validations.

Kind: global class

SingletonValidator.shouldBeDefined(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not defined.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeUndefined(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is defined.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeArray(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type Array.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeArray(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type Array.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeObject(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type Object.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeObject(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type Object.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeEmpty(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not empty.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeEmpty(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is empty.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeFunction(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type Function.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeFunction(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type Function.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeString(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type String.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeString(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type String.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeNumber(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type Number.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeNumber(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type Number.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeFinite(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not finite.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeInfinite(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not infinite.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeBoolean(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type Boolean.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeBoolean(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type Boolean.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeDate(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not of type Date.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeDate(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is of type Date.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeRegExp(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not a Regular Expression.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeRegExp(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is a Regular Expression.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeFalsey(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is not falsey.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeFalsey(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Throws an error if 'val' is falsey.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeFalsy(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldBeFalsey.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeFalsy(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldNotBeFalsey.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldBeTruthy(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldNotBeFalsey.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.shouldNotBeTruthy(val, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Synonym for shouldBeFalsey.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
val String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.checkArgument(expression, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
expression String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.checkState(expression, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not involving any parameters to the calling method.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
expression String The value to validate.
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.checkElementIndex(index, size, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Ensures that index specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size size.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
index Number
size Number
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.checkPositionIndex(index, size, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Ensures that index specifies a valid position in an array, list or string of size size.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
index Number
size Number
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).

SingletonValidator.checkPositionIndexes(start, end, size, [message], [template]) ⇒ this

Ensures that start and end specify a valid positions in an array, list or string of size size, and are in order.

Kind: static method of SingletonValidator
Returns: this - - Returns itself to allow chainable validations.

Param Type Description
start Number
end Number
size Number
[message] String The error message or the error template string to use if the validation fails.
[template] Array Template params. If provided, the error message will be generated using util.format(message, template).


Error Builder allows you to use optional functions to build an error object. The error can have appended stack traces and debug params to assist with debugging.

Kind: global class

new ErrrDecorator([message], [template])

Provides an interface to build an error. Then allows you to get or throw the error.

| Param |


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Cory Parrish
  • released 10/7/2021

