
A helper tool for PouchDB plugins to run tests and more


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A helper tool for PouchDB plugins to run tests and more

For an example, see the pouchdb-auth project.


npm install --save-dev pouchdb-plugin-helper

Update your package.json script section:

  "scripts": {
    "helper": "./node_modules/.bin/pouchdb-plugin-helper",
    "test": "npm run helper -- test",
    // optional. The argument is the name of the browserify object on window
    "build": "npm run helper -- build Auth"


npm run helper -- build # builds a browserified version of the package
npm run helper -- coverage # run js tests with coverage
npm run helper -- js-test # run js tests
npm run helper -- lint # run linter against source files
npm run helper -- test # shortcut for lint & coverage
npm run helper -- badges # generate badges for use in README.md
npm run helper -- travis # generate a relevant .travis.yml file
npm run helper -- gitignore # generate a relevant .gitignore file
npm run helper -- test # runs lint and coverage


  • The build command will generate both a minified and an unminified file in the dist/ subdirectory. It gets an argument: a name as used for on the window object.
  • The coverage command will put coverage info in the coverage subdirectory. It has a non-zero exit code if coverage isn't 100%.
  • The js-tests command runs all tests in the test subdirectory. It uses mocha to do so. Files in this directory (and in this directory only!) can use ES6, with as a bonus ES7's async & await.

require() helpers

import {/* e.g.*/ PouchDB, should} from 'pouchdb-plugin-helper/testutils');


A PouchDB object that by default makes a memdown backed database.


A chai object used to make assertions. E.g.:

should.exist(undefined) // error
true.should.be.ok // no problem


Makes a PouchDB database and returns it to you. Handy for use in mocha's beforeEach.


setup(), with the following document in the database:

  _id: 'mytest',
  test: true

Returns a promise which resolves to the following object:

  db: '<the pouchdb db>',
  rev: '1-xxx'


setupWithDoc, with the following attachment added to the database:

  _id: 'attachment_test',
  _attachments: {
    'text': {
      data: new Buffer('abcd', 'ascii'),
      type: 'text/plain'


Similar to setup(), but then on the database specified by BASE_URL and HTTP_AUTH (see below). Don't use at the same time as setup().


Cleans up the database created by setup() or setupHTTP. Handy for use in mocha's afterEach. Returns a Promise.


func should be a promise, and this function returns a promise too.

This function runs func, and catches any error that's thrown by it. The function resolves into this error. If no error is thrown, it fails. An example of how it can be used:

const error = await shouldThrowError(async () =>
  await db.get('unexisting-doc')

Configuration constants

Some properties of the tests can be configured. These values are available under the names:

BASE_URL: defaults to 'http://localhost:5984' HTTP_AUTH: defaults to null

You can change these values to your own development setup by making a file ~/.pouchdb-plugin-helper-conf.json, with context like this:

  base_url: 'http://localhost:5985',
  username: 'test',
  password: 'test'

All keys are optional.

npm i pouchdb-plugin-helper

