
Postmen SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js
postman postman sdk postmen postmen sdk


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Node.js SDK for Postmen API. For problems and suggestions please open GitHub issue

Table of Contents


NPM installation

npm install postmen

Quick Start

In order to get API key refer to the documentation.

'use strict';

const Postmen = require('postmen');
// TODO key of the Postmen instance
let api_key = 'api-key',
// TODO region of the Postmen instance
let region = 'sandbox';

let postmen = Postmen(api_key, region);

// get all labels by using callback
postmen.get('/labels', function (err, result) {
    if (err) {
    } else {

// get all labels by using promise
postmen.get('/labels').then(function (result) {
}).catch(function (err) {

// get all labels by using promise with chainable function
postmen.useApiKey('ANOTHER_API_KEY').setRetry(false).get('/labels').then(function (result) {
}).catch(function (err) {

// get a particular  labels
postmen.get('/rates/put-your-label-id-here', function (err, result) {
    if (err) {
    } else {

class Postmen

Postmen(api_key, region, config)

Initiate Postmen SDK object. In order to get API key and choose a region refer to the documentation.

Argument Required Type Default Description
api_key YES string N/A API key
region YES string N/A API region (sandbox, production)
config NO object null Options
config['endpoint'] string null Custom URL API endpoint
config['retry'] boolean true override default retry if set, see Retry policy
config['rate'] boolean true Wait before API call if rate limit exceeded or retry on 429 error
config['raw'] boolean false To return API response as a raw string
config['proxy'] string null Proxy credentials

create(path, input, config, callback)

Creates postmen api object

Argument Required Type Default Description
path YES string N/A start with /, see available path here key
input YES object null object of request config
input['body'] YES string null POST body
input['query'] NO object null query object
config NO object null object of request config
config['retry'] NO boolean true override default retry if set, see Retry policy
config['raw'] NO boolean false if true, return result as string, else return as object
callback NO function N/A the callback to handle error and result, the result is the response body of the request

API Docs:


get(path, input, config,callback)

Get Postmen API objects (list or a single objects).

Argument Required Type Default Description
path YES string N/A start with /, see available path here key
input NO object null object of request config
input['body'] NO string null POST body
input['query'] NO object null query object or string
config NO object null object of request config
config['retry'] NO boolean true override default retry if set, see Retry policy
config['raw'] NO boolean false if true, return result as string, else return as object
callback NO function N/A the callback to handle error and result, the result is the response body of the request
postmen.get( '/path/label-id', callback);
// is equivalent to'GET', '/path/label-id', input, config, callback);

postmen.get( '/path', input, config, callback);
// is equivalent to'GET', '/path', input, config, callback);

API Docs:


Proxy Method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

There are also interface GET, POST, PUT, DELETE which are proxy to'GET', '/path', input, config, callback);
// is equivalent to
postmen.GET('/path', input, config, callback);

// So as `POST`, `PUT` and `DELETE`

Chainable Function

Using chainable function to config now is accepted. Now postmen instance has these chainable function:

  • useApiKey() temporarily use an api_key to make request
  • setProxy() overwrite postmen proxy property
  • setRetry() overwrite postmen retry property
  • setRaw() overwrite postmen raw property
// is equivalent to
let input = {};
let config = {
    api_key: 'ANOTHER_API_KEY'
postmen.get('labels', input, config).then();


Only create(path, config, callback) and get(path, config, callback) function support promise.

Rate Limiter:

To understand Postmen rate limit policy, please see limit session in

You can get the recent rate limit by postmen.rate_limit. Initially all value is {}.

let postmen = Postmen('YOUR_API_KEY', 'region');

// console output
// {}

After making an API call, it will be set.

postmen.get('/labels', function (err, result) {

// console output
// { 'YOUR_API-KEY' : { limit: 600, remaining: 599, reset: 1453281417 } }

When the API response with 429 Too Many request error

  • if rate is true, it wont throw, will delay the job, retry when the rate limit is reset.
  • if rate is false, it will return 429 Too Many request error to the callback

Retry policy

If API error is retryable, SDK will wait for delay and retry. Delay starts from 1 second. After each try, delay time is doubled. Maximum number of attempts is 5.

You can set the retry flag

  • in constructor as default retry flag
  • specify in config of get() or create() method


Full list

All examples avalible listed in the table below.

File Description
rates_create.js rates object creation
rates_retrieve.js rates object(s) retrieve
labels_create.js labels object creation
labels_retrieve.js labels object(s) retrieve
manifests_create.js manifests object creation
manifests_retrieve.js manifests object(s) retrieve
cancel_labels_create.js cancel-labels object creation
cancel_labels_retrieve.js cancel-labels object(s) retrieve
address_validation_create.js address_validation object(s) creation
proxy.js Proxy usage
error.js Avalible ways to catch/get errors
response.js Avalible output types

How to run

Download the source code, go to examples directory.

Put your API key and region to credentials.js

Check the file you want to run before run. Some require you to set additional variables.

Navigation table

For each API method SDK provides Node.js wrapper. Use the table below to find SDK method and example that match your need.

Model \ Action create get all get by id
rates .create('/rates', input, config, callback) .get('/rates', input, config, callback) .get('rates/rate-id-here', input, config, callback)
labels .create('/labels', input, config, callback) .get('/labels', input, config, callback)) .get('/labels/label-id-here', input, config, callback))
manifest .create('/manifest', input, config, callback) .get('/manifest', input, config, callback) .get('/manifest/manifest-id-here', input, config, callback)
cancel-labels .create('/cancel-labels', input, config, callback) .get('/cancel-labels', input, config, callback) .get('/cancel-labels/cancel-labels-id-here', input, config, callback)
address-validations .create('/address-validations', input, config, callback)


mocha --recursive


Released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • MIT
  • >= 4.2
  • Postmen
  • released 12/22/2016

