
A posthtml plugin to beautify you html files
html posthtml posthtml-plugin beautify beautifier code-quality


A posthtml plugin to beautify you html files

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Format your html and inline css markup according to the HTML5 syntax Style Guide, Code Guide. Full list of supported options:

  • Transform lower case element names
  • Transform lower case attribute names
  • Only double quotes
  • Close all html elements
  • Removing trailing slash in self-closing
  • Removes spaces at the equal sign
  • Add blank lines to separate large or logical code blocks
  • Add 2 spaces of indentation. Do not use TAB.
  • Add language attribute
  • Add character encoding
  • Attribute order
  • Boolean attributes
  • Creates file from the inline styles
  • Create scoped class name (use css-modules) instead inline styles
  • validate elements and attributes name
  • parses Internet Explorer Conditional Comments (not support Downlevel-revealed and valid version, htmlparse2 invalid parses)


npm i -S posthtml posthtml-beautify

Note: This project is compatible with node v10+


import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import posthtml from 'posthtml';
import beautify from 'posthtml-beautify';

const html = readFileSync('input.html', 'utf8');

  .use(beautify({rules: {indent: 4}}))
  .then(result => {
    writeFileSync('output.html', result.html);

Returns html-formatted according to rules based on the use HTML5 syntax Style Guide, Code Guide with custom settings indent: 4




Type: Object

  • Indent
    Type: Number|String(only tab)
    Default: 2
    Description: A numeric value indicates specifies the number of spaces. The string value only tab

  • blankLines
    Type: String|Boolean(only false)
    Default: '\n'
    Description: Add or remove blank lines to separate large or logical code blocks

  • eol (end of line)
    Type: String
    Default: '\n'
    Description: As value is a string symbol which is added to the end of the row

  • eof (end of file)
    Type: String|Boolean
    Default: '\n'
    Description: As value is a string symbol which is added to the end of the file and will not adds if you specify a boolean value of false

  • maxlen
    Type: Number
    Default: '80'
    Description: checks for the max length of the content, indents the whole content to a new line

  • sortAttr
    Type: Boolean
    Default: false
    Description: Sort the order of attributes in elements

  • lang
    Type: String | Boolean(only false)
    Default: false
    Description: Add a lang attribute in elements, eg: { lang: 'fr' }

  • commentFormat
    Type: Boolean
    Default: true
    Description: Formats the comments. It does the following

    • If there are multi line comments then there would be leading and trailing newline like this

      // Input
      <!-- multiline 
      // Output
    • If there is a single line comment, it would make it to a single line with the comment starting and ending notation in same line


        singleline comments


      <!-- singleline comments -->


Type: Object

  • removeAttribute
    Type: String|Boolean
    Default: false
    Description: Removes attributes that do not matter. The string value only empty


Type: Object
Default: All options as per package js-beautify except, indent_level because calculated and set according to context



  • MIT
  • >=7
  • Ivan Demidov
  • released 11/22/2018
