
Add derived fields in PostGraphile

Package on npm CircleCI


This plugin provides an interface for adding derived fields to the schema generated by PostGraphile v4.

The term "derived fields" is used to differentiate this approach from the standard Computed Columns support in PostGraphile. This plugin effectively adds "computed columns in JavaScript" to your toolbelt.

Getting Started

Define your derived fields in the derivedFieldDefinitions property of graphileBuildOptions:

const express = require("express");
const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const PostGraphileDerivedFieldPlugin = require("postgraphile-plugin-derived-field");

const app = express();

  postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
    graphiql: true,
    appendPlugins: [PostGraphileDerivedFieldPlugin],
    graphileBuildOptions: {
      derivedFieldDefinitions: [
        // your definitions here


Provide derivedFieldDefinitions as an array of objects with the following structure:

  identifiers: Array<Identifier>,
  inflect: function,
  resolve: function,
  type?: string | build => T,
  description?: string

The Scenarios section below provides guidance on structuring identifiers, inflect, and resolve for your specific use case.

Use type to specify the GraphQL type that the resolve function returns. This can be a string identifying the GraphQL type name, or a function (with the build helper available as the first argument) that returns a GraphQL type. Default: String

Use description to populate the field description in the schema.


Derive a new field from one database column

  identifiers: [
      table: "my_schema.my_table",
      columns: ["my_column"],
  inflect: fieldName => `derivedFrom${fieldName}`,
  resolve: val => `Value derived from ${val}`,

Derive a new field from multiple database columns

  identifiers: [
      table: "my_schema.my_table",
      columns: ["my_column", "my_other_column"],
  inflect: (...fieldNames) =>
  resolve: (my_column, my_other_column) =>
    `Value derived from ${my_column} and ${my_other_column}`,

Derive a new field from columns that have a specific tag

This approach uses the "smart comments" feature of PostGraphile to match columns that have been assigned a specific tag.

  identifiers: [
      tag: "mytag",
  inflect: fieldName => `derivedFrom${fieldName}`,
  resolve: val => `Value derived from ${val}`,

Alternative syntax

Column names can be provided as a string: "my_schema.my_table.my_column". This syntax does not support generating a derived field from multiple database columns.

Tag names can be provided as a string: "@mytag"


Generate pre-signed URLs for client-side S3 GET requests
const express = require("express");
const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const PostGraphileDerivedFieldPlugin = require("postgraphile-plugin-derived-field");

const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const bucket = "postgraphile-plugin-test";

const app = express();

  postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
    graphiql: true,
    appendPlugins: [PostGraphileDerivedFieldPlugin],
    graphileBuildOptions: {
      derivedFieldDefinitions: [
          identifiers: ["my_schema.my_table.my_column"],
          inflect: fieldName => `${fieldName}SignedUrl`,
          resolve: val => s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {Bucket: bucket, Key: val, Expires: 900})

npm i postgraphile-plugin-derived-field


  • MIT
  • >=8.6
  • Matt Bretl
  • released 5/31/2019

