
PostCSS plugin to remove `display: box` from stylesheets.
postcss postcss-plugin css

Flexbox unboxer Build Status

postcss plugin for removing display: box from stylesheets.

Normally, this wouldn't be used as no browser supports it any more; however, if you're using Bourbon (~v4) then it is used as part of their display('flex'); mixin. When passed through to Autoprefixer, display: box; causes warning messages which get annoying after a while. This plugin will just flat out remove any display: box (or Webkit/Moz prefixed versions) and as a nice side effect, keep Autoprefixer quiet.

What it will NOT do, is replace any old syntax display: box rules to the newer standards. There's already postcss-flexboxfixer for that.

// Input
.foo {
    display: box;
    display: flex;
    color: red;

// Output
.foo {
  display: flex;
  color: red;


postcss([ require('postcss-flexbox-unboxer') ])

See postcss docs for examples for your environment.

npm i postcss-flexbox-unboxer


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matt Chapman
  • released 4/14/2016

