
A simple dev server for bower components
polymer polyserve

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A simple development server for web projects.

polyserve serves project files from a URL root that allows relative URLs that reach out of the project, like those starting with ../, to work. This is necessary for referencing other packages by path when stored as a flat directory such as how Bower works.

The local package is served at the URL /components/{bower-name}/, with files served from the current directory. Other packages are served at /components/{packageName} with files served from their directory under ./bower_components/.


$ npm install polyserve -g


Run polyserve

$ cd my-element/
$ polyserve

Browse files

Navigate to localhost:8080/components/my-element/demo.html


  • --version: Print version info.
  • --root string: The root directory of your project. Defaults to the current working directory.
  • --compile string: Compiler options. Valid values are "auto", "always" and "never". "auto" compiles JavaScript to ES5 for browsers that don't fully support ES6.
  • --module-resolution string: Algorithm to use for resolving module specifiers in import and export statements when rewriting them to be web-compatible. Valid values are "none" and "node". "none" disables module specifier rewriting. "node" uses Node.js resolution to find modules.
  • --compile-cache number: Maximum size in bytes (actually, UTF-8 characters) of the cache used to store results for JavaScript compilation. Cache size includes the uncompiled and compiled file content lengths. Defaults to 52428800 (50MB).
  • -p, --port number: The port to serve from. Serve will choose an open port for you by default.
  • -H, --hostname string: The hostname to serve from. Defaults to localhost.
  • -c, --component-dir string: The component directory to use. Defaults to reading from the Bower config (usually bower_components/).
  • -u, --component-url string: The component url to use. Defaults to reading from the Bower config (usually bower_components/).
  • -n, --package-name string: The package name to use for the root directory. Defaults to reading from bower.json.
  • --npm: Sets npm mode: component directory is "node_modules" and the package name is read from package.json
  • -o, --open: The page to open in the default browser on startup.
  • -b, --browser string[]: The browser(s) to open with when using the --open option. Defaults to your default web browser.
  • --open-path string: The URL path to open when using the --open option. Defaults to "index.html".
  • -P, --protocol string: The server protocol to use {h2, https/1.1, http/1.1}. Defaults to "http/1.1".
  • --key string: Path to TLS certificate private key file for https. Defaults to "key.pem".
  • --cert string: Path to TLS certificate file for https. Defaults to "cert.pem".
  • --manifest string: Path to HTTP/2 Push Manifest.
  • --proxy-path string: Top-level path that should be redirected to the proxy-target. E.g. api/v1 when you want to redirect all requests of https://localhost/api/v1/.
  • --proxy-target string: Host URL to proxy to, for example https://myredirect:8080/foo.
  • --help: Shows this help message

Compiling from Source

$ npm install
$ npm run build

You can compile and run polyserve from source by cloning the repo from Github and then running npm run build. Make sure you have already run npm install before building.

Run Tests

$ npm test


