
Better deployment tool for pm2
deploy deployment pm2 pm2 deploy

PM2 Better Deployer

This is a tool, which was created out of frustration with pm2 deploy command. This deployer has a little different command line API, but still should duplicate any functionality of pm2 deploy Some functionality is still in development.

To use, run pm2-deploy --help

Tests and full documentation are in development. Main things this package does over the pm2 deploy command:

  • Use ssh2 library for a more js-oriented approach
  • Inject environment variables from config not only for the final package, but also for all hooks
  • Uses slightly different hook system: hooks in ecosystem.config.js can now be arrays of commands, all of which will be executed in order and all must succeed for the hook to be considered executed successfully
  • Adds save_env deployment setup config key. It can be an array of strings or an object. All elements are filled from environment variables where the deployment command was run and saved into the config on the deployment server. This allows to "pass" environment vars, like secrets from the gitlab runner instance to the pm2 instance

Possible hooks:

  • preSetup - Run before setup (not each deployment)
  • postSetup - Run after setup (not each deployment)
  • preFetch - Run before fetching from git on deploy
  • preDeploy - Run after the repository was fetched - place npm install or pip install here
  • deploy - Actual deployment command - put only a pm2 command here
  • postDeploy - Run right after the deploy hook
npm i pm2-better-deploy


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Ilya Borovitinov
  • released 11/22/2017

