
A thing to mix up users and their playlists.
playlist combine mix users queues rotate


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A javascript module to rotate through multiple users' music queues.


Run this code:

var playlist = require('playlist-combinator')()
playlist.on('error', function (err) {

playlist.addUser('Wheatley', [ 'accent' ])

playlist.addSong('GLaDOS', 'potato')
playlist.addSong('GLaDOS', 'neurotoxin')
playlist.addSong('GLaDOS', 'Caroline')


userOrder: ['GLaDOS', 'Wheatley']
songs: {
    "Wheatley": [ 'accent' ],
    "GLaDOS": [ 'potato', 'neurotoxin', 'Caroline' ]

Run this code:

var song = playlist.getNextSong() //returns => 'potato'


userOrder: ['Wheatley', 'GLaDOS'] //note that GLaDOS was moved to the back; and it's Wheatley's turn next
songs: {
    "Wheatley": [ 'accent' ]
    "GLaDOS": [ 'neurotoxin', 'Caroline' ]

Run this code:

var song = playlist.getNextSong() //returns => 'accent'
var song = playlist.getNextSong() //returns => 'neurotoxin'
var song = playlist.getNextSong() //returns => 'Caroline'


var PlaylistCombinator = require('playlist-combinator')

var playlist = PlaylistCombinator()

var song = playlist.getNextSong()

  • Removes the first song from the first user's queue.
  • Moves the first user to the back of the user list.
  • Returns the song object.

var song = playlist.checkNextSong()

Basically playlist.getNextSong() but this does not mutate the playlist.

  • Returns the first song from the first user's queue.

playlist.addSong(userId, song)

  • userId is a string. Each user must have their own unique string. The userId must have been added via playlist.addUser(userId) previous to calling this.
  • song is any object.

playlist.reorderSong(userId, newArray)

This is the suggested way to reorder songs. This is not the suggested way to add or remove songs, although it is completely allowed.

  • userId is a string. Each user must have their own unique string. The userId must have been added via playlist.addUser(userId) previous to calling this.
  • newArray is an array of song ids in the new order. You can remove songs, add songs, and reorder songs.

playlist.reorderSong(userId, songId, newQueueLocationIndex)

This is not the suggested way to reorder songs.

  • userId is a string. Each user must have their own unique string. The userId must have been added via playlist.addUser(userId) previous to calling this.
  • songId is compared to each in the queue. This is the only place that is assumed to exist.
  • newQueueLocationIndex is the number that the located song is relocated to.

playlist.addUser(userId, userState)

  • userId is a string. Each user must have their own unique string. The userId must have been added via playlist.addUser(userId) previous to calling this.
  • userState is an optional argument. It must come from playlist.removeUser().

var userState = playlist.removeUser(userId)

  • Returns a userState object. This object can be passed into playlist.addUser() to start a new user with the same state that this user gave up. This could be used for changing a userId without losing their state, or saving a user's state for later use.




  • VOL
  • Whatever
  • Joseph Dykstra
  • released 4/10/2015

