
🃏 Minimalistic isomorphic library for detection of platform, runtime, APIs and more.
platform detect browser node pwa web chromium uwp electron and 6 more...


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🃏 Minimalistic isomorphic library for detection of platform, runtime, APIs and more.

Check out the demo

  • No dependencies
  • Small size ~5kB
  • Split into multiple files "import just what you need"
  • ... but also available as a bundle of all detectors.


  • Systems: Windows, Android, macOS, iOS, Linux
  • Runtime
    • general: Node.js, browser, web worker
    • specific: website, PWA, Electron, NW.JS, console app, UWP (Windows Store)
  • Context: has rendererer (i.e. has window); is console script (Node, web worker, NW background script, Electron main script); running on SDK build, with DEV context, Dev Tools open or debugger attached.
  • Form factor: phone, tablet, desktop, tv
  • Screen: touchscreen, input type (touch, mouse), tablet mode (whether keyboard is attached/detached on 2-in-1 like Surface Pro)


npm install platform-detect

ur use CDN like (comes with)

<script src=""></script>


Import everything

import platform from 'platform-detect'
// The script has no GUI to render content to.
// It only runs in console / terminal. (Might be a Node script or WebWorker)
// App has a window, access to DOM. Can render GUI.
var platform = require('platform-detect')
// Fully functional Node & core modules are available. (Might be an Electron / NWJS app or a good old Node console script)
// App has been loaded as a plain website in a browser.
// App is served from the web (could be website or PWA)
// App is packaged, compiled or bundled and not served from the web. Could be UWP, Electron, NW.JS, Chrome App, Cordova, etc...
// Script is executed inside Web Worker.

Or import just what you need

import {windows, android, linux, macos, tizen} from 'platform-detect/os.mjs'
import {chrome, edge, safari} from 'platform-detect/browser.mjs'
import {input, mouse, touch, formfactor} from 'platform-detect/formfactor.mjs'

if (formfactor === 'tv' && tizen) {
  console.log(`I'm a Samsung Smart TV!`)

if (windows && edge && (uwp || pwa)) {
  console.log(`I should use Fluent Design System`)
} else if (android || chromeos) {
  console.log(`I should use Material Design Language`)

if (touch) {
  console.log(`I'm a device with touchscreen`)
  if (mouse) {
    console.log(`But I also have a mouse (it's the primary input type now)`)
    console.log(`I'm a laptop with touchscreen or a Surface Pro with attached keyboard`)
  } else {
    console.log(`Mouse is currently not the primary input type`)
    console.log(`I might be phone, tablet, or Surface Pro in tablet mode`)

You can choose between the old UMD module.

<script src="./node_modules/platform-detect/index.js"></script>
var platform = window['platform-detect']
console.log('pixel ratio of this device is', platform.pixelRatio)

Or the new ES Modules.

<script type="module">
import platform from './node_modules/platform-detect/index.mjs'
console.log(platform.pwa ? `I'm installed PWA app` : `I'm just a website`)
platform.on('orientation', orientation => console.log(orientation))

Usage in older browsers

Be advised: The library uses various ES6 and newer features. The syntax is compiled down to ES5 using babel. But you need to polyfill the built-in methods in case you target browsers that don't implement them.

Namely String.prototype.includes and Array.from.

For example:

if (!String.prototype.includes) {
    String.prototype.includes = function(item) {
        return this.indexOf(item) !== -1
if (!Array.from) {
    Array.from = function(nodelist) {


Check out the demo for full table of APIs

By importing the index.js bundle you get all of the below. Or you can pick only certain file with the checks you need.

  • terminal bool
    Script running in console or terminal (Node, Worker)
  • gui bool
    App has a window & access to DOM. Can render GUI


  • node bool
    True when Node.js & core modules are available. (Node, Electron, NWJS app)
  • pwa bool
    App has been loaded as a PWA with separate window. Not just a plain website.
  • web bool
    App is served from the web (could be website or PWA)
  • website bool
    App has been loaded as a plain website in a browser (and is not PWA)
  • packaged bool
    App is packaged, compiled or bundled and not served from the web (UWP, Electron, NW.JS, Chrome App, Cordova, etc...)
  • worker bool
    Script is executed inside Web Worker
  • nwjs bool
  • electron bool
  • cordova bool
  • uwp bool


  • orientation string, event
    values: portrait or landscape
  • portrait bool, event
  • landscape bool, event
  • formfactor string, event
    values: phone, tablet, desktop or tv
  • pixelRatio float
    number of the scale of how many physical pixels are used to render one logical pixel.
  • input string, event
    values: mouse or touch
    Current primary input type. It's watched and may change when keyboard attached/detached on hybrid devices.
  • touch bool
    Always true if the device has a touchscreen, regardless of current primary input type, tablet mode, etc...
  • mouse bool, event
    True when primary input type is mouse (desktops, laptops, hybrid with attached keyboards)
  • gamepad bool



  • edge bool (all of them, legacy, the new chromium, all the webkit/blink mobile verions)
  • chrome bool
  • firefox bool
  • opera bool
  • samsungBrowser bool
  • safari bool
  • ie bool
  • Also: edgeAndroid, edgeIos, chromeIos, firefoxIos (these are in fact blink or webkit)

Rendering engines:

  • edgeHtml bool (the old one)
  • edgeChromium bool (the new one)
  • blink bool (chrome and all Android browswers)
  • webkit bool (safari and all iOs browswers)
  • gecko bool
  • trident bool


  • android bool
  • chromeos bool
  • tizen bool
  • ios bool
  • linuxBased bool
  • windows bool
  • macos bool
  • linux bool


Some aspects can change during app's life. You can listen to these changes with EventEmitter-like api.

platform.on('orientation', orientation => console.log('orientation changed': orientation))

platform.on('input', input => {
  if (input === 'mouse')
    console.log('keyboard attached')
    console.log('tablet mode')

TO-DOs & Ideas for the future

  • fix dev mode detection
  • battery (platform.hasBattery)
  • battery saver mode (there's hardly any battery api, let alone battery saver in it)
npm i platform-detect


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Mike Kovarik
  • released 9/6/2020

