
A command-line interface development tool for PIXI.JS

Pixi.js CLI

A command line interface for Pixi.js with ES6 support and Pixi.js plugins that facilitate game development.

What is Pixi.js?

Pixi.js is a super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback.

Read more: http://www.pixijs.com/

How do I install Pixi.js CLI?

You need to have npm to run:

npm install pixijs-cli -g

  • Please note that this tool is still in beta stages.

How do I use Pixi.js CLI?

pixijs <command (Default: help)>

pixijs create, c

Creates a new pixi.js CLI project

  • --path <path> the path to create the new project
  • --force overwrites exisiting files


pixijs create MyPixiProject

pixijs serve, s

Starts an http server with LiveReload

  • --port <port> the port to bind to [4200]
  • --host <host> the host to bind to [localhost]
  • --live-reload-port <port> the port to start LiveReload on [35729]


pixijs serve --port 9999

pixijs addon (search|add|remove|publish)

Search, adds, removes or publishes a pixi.js plugin

  • search <plugin_name> searches the registry for a plugin
  • add <plugin_name> adds a plugin from the registry to the current project
  • remove <plugin_name> removes an existing plugin from the current project
  • publish <plugin_name> publishes an existing plugin in the project. See documentation on publishing for more details.


pixijs addon add object-pool

pixijs platform (list | ls | add | remove | rm | update | up)

Adds, remove or list cordova platforms

  • [list | ls] list all platforms for which the project will build
  • add <platform> [<platform> ...] add one (or more) platforms as a build target for the project
  • [remove | rm] <platform> [<platform> ...] removes one (or more) platform build targets from the project
  • [update | up] <platform> updates the Cordova version used for the given platform


pixijs platform add ios android

pixijs run [<platforms>]

Launches the project on the provided platforms (Note: Will launch on all projects if not platform is provided)

  • --debug enables debug mode when running
  • --release creates a release of the project before running it
  • --device launches the project on connected devices of the selected platforms
  • --emulator launches the project on the selected platform emulator if available
  • --nobuild launches the project without rebuilding the project
  • --list lists all emulators and devices available for the selected platform


pixijs run ios --device

pixijs compile [<platforms>]

Comile the project on the provided platforms (Note: Will compile on all projects if not platform is provided)

  • --debug enables debug mode when running
  • --release creates a release of the project before running it
  • --device launches the project on connected devices of the selected platforms
  • --emulator launches the project on the selected platform emulator if available
  • --nobuild launches the project without rebuilding the project
  • --list lists all emulators and devices available for the selected platform


pixijs compile android --release

pixijs plugin (list | ls | add | remove | rm | search | save)

Adds, remove, list or searches a cordova plugin

  • [list | ls] list all platforms for which the project will build
  • add <plugin_name> [<plugin_name> ...] add one (or more) cordova plugins to the project
  • [remove | rm] <plugin_name> [<plugin_name> ...] removes one (or more) cordova plugins to the project
  • search <plugin_name> searches the cordova plugin repository for the given plugin name keyword
  • save <plugin_name> save the versions/folders/git-urls of currently installed cordova plugins into the project config.xml


pixijs plugin search maps

pixijs help, --help

Outputs the usage instructions for all commands or the provided command


pixijs help

pixijs clean

Cleans the project temporary build folders


pixijs clean

What add-ons are available?

All avaialable add-ons are available here along with their documentation.

How do I create my own add-ons?

Add-ons can be easily created in ES6 module format. Once created you can publish them using the CLI tool pixijs addon publish <path_to_js_file> The add-ons automatically get documented using jsdoc when uploaded to the registry (registration is required via CLI tool) The add-on fields for the registry are:

  • @addon the name of the add-on
  • @description a breif description of the add-on
  • @version the version of the addon. Must be in X.X.X format and greater than the version previously published.
  • @author the name of the person publishing the add-on
  • @email the e-mail of the person publishing the add-on. Must be the same e-mail you registered with.
  • @dependencies (optional) any plugin or vendor libraries that need to be downloaded automatically.


 * @addon Pixi.js CLI add-on
 * @description An add-on for drawable canvas textures
 * @version 1.0.1
 * @author Alejandro Gonzalez Sole
 * @email [email protected]
 * @dependency pixi
 * @dependency https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js/master/bin/pixi.dev.js
import PIXI from 'pixi';

 * The TextureDraw module provides a drawable canvas texture to be used by "PIXI.Sprite" objects.
 * Based on Ezelia's drawing method - http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/518-hack-making-all-2d-drawing-functions-available-to-pixi/
 * @module TextureDraw
 * @param  {Function} callback The draw function that contains the "canvas" parameter
 * @return {PIXI.Texture} The pixi texture generated by the drawing.
 * @global
 * @example
 * var myTexture = textureDraw(function (canvas) {
 *   var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
 *   ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)";
 *   ctx.fillRect (10, 10, 55, 50);
 * });
function textureDraw(cb) {
  var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  if (typeof cb == 'function') cb(canvas);
  return PIXI.Texture.fromCanvas(canvas);

export default textureDraw;


  • GPL
  • Whatever
  • Alejandro Gonzalez Sole
  • released 4/21/2015

