
Browserify bundle process for PIXI libraries
Browserify sourcemaps uglify bundle header license


Build Status

Browserify bundle process for PIXI libraries.

This creates two build files, compressed and uncompressed. Both with sourcemaps and license headers.


npm install pixify --save-dev

Commandline Usage

pixify --name [library-name]

For instance,

pixify --name my-library


  • --name or -n (required) The name of the output file and Browserify's standalone argument.
  • --source or -s (default: ./src/ Application source to build.
  • --dest or -d (default: ./bin/) Destination folder for building.
  • --exclude or -e (optional) Folder names in --source to ignore, for custom builds.
  • --outputName or -o (optional) The name of the output file if different from --name.
  • --license or -l (default: {pixify}/lib/license.js) License template to use
  • --watch or -w (default: false) true to run watchify when running bundling.
  • --minify or -m (default: true) false or --no-minify to only generate the uncompressed version of the library
  • --external or -x (default: true) false or --no-external to not bundle external modules.
  • --plugin or -p (optiona) Additional plugin(s) to use for Browserify, such as tsify.
  • --transform for -t (optional) Addtional transform(s) to use for Browserify, such as babelify.

API Usage

Alternatively, use the Node API:

var pixify = require('pixify');

// Full verbose options
    output: 'library.min.js',
    name: 'library',
    source: './src/',
    dest: './bin/',
    license: './lib/license.js',
    compress: true,
    external: true,
    watch: false

// Short-hand with all defaults with callback
pixify('library.min.js', function(){
    // done!


  • options.output (String) Output file name (e.g. "library.js")
  • options.name (String) Standalone name for Browserify (e.g. "library")
  • options.compress (Boolean, default: true) true to compress output
  • options.source (String, default: "./src/") Output source name
  • options.dest (String, default: "./bin/") Output folder
  • options.license (String, default: "{pixify}/lib/license.js") License template
  • options.exclude (String|String[]) List of modules to ignore from output. Useful for creating custom builds.
  • options.watch (Boolean, default: false) true to run watchify when bundling.
  • options.external (Boolean, default: true) false to not bundle external modules.
  • callback (Function) Optional callback function when complete
  • plugin (String|Array) Additional plugin(s) to use for Browserify, such as tsify.
  • transform (String|Array) Addtional transform(s) to use for Browserify, such as babelify.


This content is released under the MIT License.

npm i pixify


  • MIT
  • >=4.0
  • Matt Karl
  • released 1/2/2017

