
pixel2html 1234/1234


Installing dependencies & running up

To work, the Pixel2HTML Boilerplate needs to install some dependencies to run the options you select. For this job, run this command in your shell

$ npm run start
$ npm run code

Other available npm commands

$ npm run build //build the project without serving

File Structure

This boilerplate will create a set of files and folders

├── dist/
├── src/
│    ├──  assets/
│    │    ├──  gulp/
│    │    │    ├── tasks/
│    │    │    ├── config.js
│    │    │    └── helpers.js
│    │    ├──  fonts/
│    │    ├──  icons/
│    │    ├──  images/
│    │    ├──  js/
│    │    ├──  styles/
│    │    │    ├──  components/
│    │    │    │    ├──  _buttons.less
│    │    │    │    ├──  _footer.less
│    │    │    │    ├──  _header.less
│    │    │    │    └──  _nav.less
│    │    │    ├──  screens/
│    │    │    │    ├──  _base.less
│    │    │    │    └──  screen_1.less
│    │    │    ├──  _variables.less
│    │    │    ├──  _reset.less
│    │    │    ├──  _mixins.less│    │    │    ├──  vendors.scss
│    │    │    └──  main.less
│    │    └──  vendor/
│    └──  screen_1.pug
├── .bowerrc
├── .editorcofig
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .project.conf
├── bower.json
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
└── README.md

Gulp Config file

You have a config file located at ./src/assets/gulp/config.js that enables you to add thrid-party libraries easily.

SCSS Directories

You can add paths to scssDirectories key, who will add this directories to the includePath of sass compilation. So you now can @include whatever you want in your ./src/assets/styles/vendor.scss file:


sassDirectories: [

Script Files

You can add file paths to scriptFiles key, who will add this concat, and minify to the ./dist/assets/js/vendors.js file.


scriptFiles: [

Font Files

You can add file paths to fontFiles key, who will move this fonts to the correct folder ./dist/assets/fonts. You can point to specific files or complete directories using wildcards (**/*)


fontFiles: [

Available Gulp Commands


  • $ gulp clean Clean /dist directory

Static Files

  • $ gulp main:static Compile static files (images, icons)
  • $ gulp main:images Move images
  • $ gulp main:icons Move icons

Fonts Files

  • $ gulp main:fonts Move project fonts
  • $ gulp vendor:fonts Move vendors fonts


  • $ gulp main:scripts Concat, uglify and move project JS files
  • $ gulp vendor:scripts Concat, uglify and move vendors JS files


  • $ gulp main:styles Compile, concat, autoprefix, minify and move [SCSS, Less, Stylus] project files
  • $ gulp vendor:styles Compile, concat, autoprefix, minify and move [SCSS, Less, Stylus] vendor files


  • $ gulp watch Watch your files and autoexecute gulp directives
  • $ gulp serve Watch your files and serve with an HTTP server and Sync with your prefered browser awesome!


  • $ gulp build Execute all the gulp directives and makes a .zip file with the latest code.

Generated with 💕 by Pixel2HTML v1.2.1 @ 2017-01-09T12:24:56-03:00
npm i pixel2html-1234-1234


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/9/2017

