
An easy-going web framework for Node.


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Pimm is an easy-going web framework for Node. Pimm focuses on removing boilerplate code from your applications, letting you tend to the logic and architecture (the fun bits!) of your app.


  • Group together request handlers into "controller" modules.
  • Run filters before controller methods.
  • Render JSON, text, html, and view templates from controllers.
  • Easily map routes to controller methods.
  • Auto-create CRUD routes in a RESTful pattern.
  • Supports 25 different templating engines.
  • Deep support for promises.


If you prefer to jump right into the code, check out the example application:

Example Pimm Application >



new Pimm(options)

Creates a new Pimm instance. Accepts an optional configuration object.

var app = new Pimm({
  dir: __dirname

// you can also set options after instantiation
app.dir = '/updated/path';


  • dir string Folder path to load the application from. Default ./.
  • port int The port to listen on for requests. Default 3000.
  • caching bool Enables/disables view caching. Highly recommended to enable in production. Default true.
  • templating string The templating language to use for views. See consolidate.js for a list of supported engines. Default jade.
  • static string Folder path to serve static assets from. Disabled by default.
  • session string A secret key to use for encoding sesssion cookies. Disabled by default.


Starts the application. Returns a promise that resolves when the application has started.

app.start().then(function() {
  console.log('Application started!');

.config(name, value?)

Gets/sets an application config value. You can use this as a generic key/value store for shared configuration across your Pimm app.

app.config('logger', console.log);  // sets a value
app.config('logger')('my message'); // get a value

.use(middleware, args?...)

Add a middleware layer to the app. Additional arguments are passed to the middleware function.


Pimm uses mach under the hood for handling middleware. Take a look at their wiki for examples.


Runs function to add routes to the application.

app.routes(function() {
  this.resources('posts'); // plural CRUD routes
  this.resource('profile'); // singular CRUD routes
  this.get('login', 'session#new'); // manual routes


Every controller module you place in the controllers/ directory will automatically inherit several APIs for you to use when parsing and responding to requests.

All controller actions will also receive a connection parameter that can be used to parse requests and set responses.

conn.json(status, json)

Create a JSON response object. Automatically sets a Content-Type: "application/json" header. Optionally accepts a status as the first parameter.

class PostsController {
  index(conn) {
    const message = "hello world";
    return conn.json({ message });

conn.text(status, text)

Create a text response object. Automatically sets a Content-Type: "text/plain" header. Optionally accepts a status as the first parameter.

class PostsController {
  index(conn) {
    return conn.text(404, 'Not found!');

conn.html(status, html)

Create a html response object. Automatically sets a Content-Type: "text/html" header. Optionally accepts a status as the first parameter.

class PostsController {
  index(conn) {
    return conn.html('<h1>Hello world!</h1>');

conn.send(status, content)

Create a manual response object. Useful if none of the other response helper methods fit your needs.

class PostsController {
  index(conn) {
    conn.response.contentType = 'text/html';
    return conn.send(404, '<p>Not Found!</p>');

conn.render(status, view, data)

Creates a response object by rendering a view file. Rather than passing a template to the render method, you pass a string that represents the file path (relative to the views directory) of the view to render.

class PostsController {
  index(conn) {
    const posts = [
      { title: 'Hello world!' },
      { title: 'This is my blog' }

    return conn.render('posts/index', { posts });

conn.redirect(status, location)

Creates a redirect response object. Automatically sets the status to 302 and a Location header.

class PostsController {
  index(conn) {
    return conn.redirect('/some-new-url');

.before(method..., function)

Wraps a request method(s) with a new function. If the wrapper function returns a value, the underlying method will never get invoked.

class PostsController {
  constructor() {
    this.before('index', 'create', (conn) =>
      if (!conn.headers['X-Auth-Token']) {
        conn.text('Not authed!', 401);
        return false;

  index(conn) {
    return conn.text('Authed!');

  create(conn) {
    return conn.text('Authed!');
npm i pimm


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Steven Schobert
  • released 3/9/2016

