
## Getting started


Getting started

1. Clone the repo

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd example

2. Install dependencies

Install Node depencies:

npm install

Note that the Photon & Photogen generation are included in an install script in your package.json, which means Photon also gets (re-)generated upon each npm install.

3. Migrate the database

With Prisma 2, database migrations are performed using the lift subcommand of the Prisma CLI, i.e. prisma2 lift <command>.

3.1. Create migration

Run the following command to create a new migration:

prisma2 lift create --name 'init'

This creates a new directory called migrations. This directory stores detailed info about each migration you perform throughout the lifetime of your project.

Every migration is represented via its own directory inside the migrations directory. In this case, your first migration is called TIMESTAMP-init (e.g. 20190605165416-init). It contains tree files:

  • datamodel.prisma: The target datamodel for the migration.
  • steps.json: A summary of all the required steps to perform the migration.
  • A markdown file highlighting important information about the migration (e.g. a diff of the datamodel or the performed SQL statements).
3.2. Execute migration

To actually execute the migration against your database, run:

prisma2 lift up

This applies the steps specified in steps.json and therefore migrates the database schema to match the datamodel.

4. Run the GraphQL Server

Run the following command to run the GraphQL Server:

npm start
npm i photogen


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Flavian DESVERNE
  • released 6/12/2019

