
With a given country and phone number, validate and format the phone number to E.164 standard
phone e.164

Phone · PRs Welcome FOSSA Status

What is phone?

phone is used to normalize mobile phone numbers into E.164 format.

A common problem is that users normally input phone numbers in this way:

`(817) 569-8900` or
`817569-8900` or
`1(817) 569-8900` or
`+1(817) 569-8900` or ...

We always want:



npm install phone

// or

yarn add phone


const {phone} = require('phone');

// or

import {phone} from 'phone';

1. Simple usage

phone('+852 6569-8900');
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+85265698900',  countryIso2: 'HK', countryIso3: 'HKG', countryCode: '+852' }

2. With Country

phone('+1(817) 569-8900', {country: ''}); 
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+18175698900', countryIso2: 'US', countryIso3: 'USA', countryCode: '+1'}

phone('(817) 569-8900', {country: 'USA'});
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+18175698900', countryIso2: 'US', countryIso3: 'USA', countryCode: '+1'}

phone('(817) 569-8900', {country: 'HKG'});
// { isValid: false }
// not a valid HKG mobile phone number

phone('+1(817) 569-8900', {country: 'HKG'});
// { isValid: false }
// not a valid HKG mobile phone number

phone('6123-6123', {country: 'HKG'});
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+85261236123', countryIso2: 'HK', countryIso3: 'HKG', countryCode: '+852' }

3. Without country code and no phone prefix

If both country code and country phone prefix are not provided, the phone number will be treated as USA or Canada by default.

phone('(817) 569-8900');
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+18175698900', countryIso2: 'US', countryIso3: 'USA', countryCode: '+1' }

phone('(817) 569-8900', {country: ''});
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+18175698900', countryIso2: 'US', countryIso3: 'USA', countryCode: '+1' }

phone('780-569-8900', {country: null});
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+17805698900', countryIso2: 'CA', countryIso3: 'CAN', countryCode: '+1' }
// 780 is a Canada phone prefix

phone('6123-6123', {country: null});
// { isValid: false }
// as default country is USA / CAN and the phone number does not fit such countries' rules

4. With country code / phone prefix, but no + sign

Even you input a valid phone number with a valid prefix, if there is no plus sign, it will not work as expected:

// or
phone('85291234567', {country: null});

// { isValid: false }

852 is a valid Hong Kong phone prefix, and 91234567 is a valid Hong Kong mobile phone number. However, there is no plus sign provided, the module will assume the phone number is a USA or Canada phone number, hence no result will be found.

If you know you have provided country phone prefix, make sure you also provide a plus sign:

// or
phone('+85291234567', {country: null});

// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+85291234567', countryIso2: 'HK', countryIso3: 'HKG', countryCode: '+852' }

or, if you know the country, and only want to reformat the phone number to E.164 format:

phone('91234567',  {country: 'HKG'})
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+85291234567', countryIso2: 'HK', countryIso3: 'HKG', countryCode: '+852' }

5. Skipping phone number initial digit checking

If you want to skip phone number initial digit checking, set validateMobilePrefix to false:

phone('+(852) 2356-4902');
// { isValid: false }
// '2' is a Hong Kong landline phone number prefix, not a valid mobile phone number prefix

phone('+(852) 2356-4902', {validateMobilePrefix: true});
// { isValid: false }
// same as above, default value of validateMobilePrefix = true

phone('+(852) 2356-4902', {validateMobilePrefix: false});
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+85223564902', countryIso2: 'HK', countryIso3: 'HKG', countryCode: '+852' }
// skipping mobile prefix checking

With validateMobilePrefix set to false, the initial digit checking logic will be disabled completely, even you enter a phone number start with a non-exist digit:

phone('+(852) 0356-4902', {validateMobilePrefix: false});
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+85203564902', countryIso2: 'HK', countryIso3: 'HKG', countryCode: '+852' }
// even the phone number start with `0` is not a valid landline phone number

Note that the module does not have the capability to determine if the prefix is a valid landline prefix number.

6. Trunk Code Detection Logic

For some phone numbers, such as this sample UK phone number:

+44 07911 123456

There is a trunk code 0 after the country code +44 so that it is unable to match any correct country.

Hence the module will try to remove 1 digit after the country code,

and try to detect:

+44 7911 123456

and it would become a valid UK phone number now.

phone('+4407911 123456')
// { isValid: true, phoneNumber: '+447911123456', countryIso2: 'GB', countryIso3: 'GBR', countryCode: '+44' }

If you want to disable this behavior, please set strictDetection to true:

phone('+4407911 123456', {strictDetection: true})
// { isValid: false }


const {phone} = require('phone');

// or

import {phone} from 'phone';

phone(phoneNumber: string, { country, validateMobilePrefix, strictDetection }?: {
    country?: string;
    validateMobilePrefix?: boolean;
    strictDetection?: boolean;


Parameter Type Required Default Description
phoneNumber String Yes - The phone number text you want to process
country String No null Provided country code in iso-3166 alpha 2 or 3 format
validateMobilePrefix Boolean No true Set to false if you want to skip phone number initial digit checking
strictDetection Boolean No false Set to true if you want to disable trunk code detection logic.


type PhoneResult = PhoneInvalidResult | PhoneValidResult;

interface PhoneValidResult {
    isValid: true;
    phoneNumber: string;
    countryIso2: string;
    countryIso3: string;
    countryCode: string;

interface PhoneInvalidResult {
    isValid: false;
    phoneNumber: null;
    countryIso2: null;
    countryIso3: null;
    countryCode: null;
Parameter Type Description
isValid Boolean To indicate if the result valid
phoneNumber String or null Normalized phone number in E.164 format
countryIso2 String or null Detected phone number country code in iso-3166 alpha 2 format
countryIso3 String or null Detected phone number country code in iso-3166 alpha 3 format
countryCode String or null Detected phone number country calling code with + sign


yarn test

Interactive Web Example

yarn start:example


yarn dev

And then visit http://localhost:8080


yarn build


  1. Does phone do any logical validation?

    Yes. If you provide country, and the phone number does not start with + sign,

    the module will validate phone_number_lengths and mobile_begin_with

  2. Why is phone returning an invalid result for a valid phone number?

    By default, the function will validate a mobile phone number only, to validate a landline phone number, please set validateMobilePrefix to false.

    If you find the result is still incorrect, please submit a ticket to improve our validation rules.

  3. Why is phone returning an object with isValid = false instead of returning a null directly?

    It reserves the flexibility to extend the response interface for invalid results in the future.

Migrate from v2

The interface of v3 has been changed for better usability, maintainability, and flexibility, this shows all the changes from v2:

Function Interface

Version Interface
v2 phone(phoneNumber, country, allowLandline)
v3 phone(phoneNumber,{country: String, validateMobilePrefix: Boolean, strictDetection: Boolean})

Function Response

Version Result Interface
v2 - [phoneNumber, country]
v3 Valid {isValid: true, phoneNumber: string, countryIso2: string, countryIso3: string, countryCode: string}
v3 Invalid {isValid: false, phoneNumber: null, countryIso2: null, countryIso3: null, countryCode: null}

allowLandline vs validateMobilePrefix

allowLandline in v2 is essentially equal to validateMobilePrefix in v3, however, the value is the opposite.

Because allowLandline = true in v2 means "Skip the mobile phone number prefix validation", and there is NO capability to verify if the input phone number is a valid landline phone number.

To avoid misleading information, the parameter name has been changed to validateMobilePrefix, and the input value is the opposite, while validateMobilePrefix = false means "Skip the mobile phone number prefix validation".

Phone Number Format Improvement

We strive to ensure this package functions well across diverse scenarios. However, please note that the phone number formats may not be updated proactively or regularly, as this is a manual task and we lack a dedicated incentive for continuous updates. If you find any incorrect rules for a country or other specific case, please create a pull request to inform us.

When submitting pull requests to add or modify phone number formats, it is essential to include reference information such as PDFs, websites, etc. PRs submitted without references will not be accepted. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The library supports mobile phone number format only. We are unable to provide landline phone number support as we do not have landline phone number format data, hence we do not accept PRs for landline phone numbers.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

FOSSA Status

npm i phone


  • MIT
  • >=12
  • AfterShip
  • released 10/14/2024
