
Generate Knex seed files from a PostgreSQL database.
generator generate knex seed pg postgresql


Generates Knex seed files from a PostgreSQL database using all or selected tables.

Commitizen friendly



$ npx pg-knex-seeder --out-dir seeds
$ npx pg-knex-seeder --out-dir seeds --env-name PG_CONNECTION_STRING --tables member,public.products --increment 5


import generateSeed from "pg-knex-seeder";

generateSeed({ outDir: `${__dirname}/seeds` })
  .then(() => console.log("Seeds are generated..."))
  .catch(e => console.error(e));

// with some parameters

  envName: "PG_CONNECTION_STRING", // Or use `connection` parameter
  outDir: process.cwd(),
  tables: ["other_schema.member", "member", "product"],
  increment: 5,
  schemaInFilename: true,
  .then(() => console.log("Seeds are generated..."))
  .catch(e => console.error(e));



triggerTemplate(tables, status)string

Returns file contents to disable/enable all table triggers.

writeTriggerFile(dir, tableNames, prettierOptions, increment)Promise.<void>

Writes enable/disable trigger files.

generate([envName], [connection], [outDir], [tables], [schemas], [increment], [schemaInFilename], [disableTriggers])Promise.<void>

Generates knex seed files from PostgreSQL database into given directory.


DBConnection : Object

PostgreSQL connection options which are passed directly to node-postgres.

triggerTemplate(tables, status) ⇒ string

Returns file contents to disable/enable all table triggers.

Kind: global function
Returns: string -

  • Content to write file.
Param Type Description
tables Array.<string>

List of table names.


Whether to enable or disable triggers.

writeTriggerFile(dir, tableNames, prettierOptions, increment) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Writes enable/disable trigger files.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<void> -

  • Void
Param Type Description
dir string

Output directory to write file.

tableNames Array.<string>

List of table names.

prettierOptions prettier.Options

Prettier options

increment string

Increment steps for file numbering.

generate([envName], [connection], [outDir], [tables], [schemas], [increment], [schemaInFilename], [disableTriggers]) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Generates knex seed files from PostgreSQL database into given directory.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<void> -

  • Void promise
Param Type Default Description
[envName] string "&quot;PG_CONNECTION_STRING&quot;"

Environment varibale name storing db connection string to use connecting to database. (If no connection parameter provided)

[connection] DBConnection

Parameters to use connecting to database. (Overrides environment varibale)

[outDir] string "process.cwd()"

Output directory to generate seed files in. (Uses process.cwd() if not provided)

[tables] Array.<string>

List of tables to generate seed files. May contain schema name (i.e member or public.member). If none provided all tables are used in given schemas.

[schemas] Array.<string> ["public"]

List of schemas. All tables in given schemas are used to generate seed files. (If tables parameter is used, schemas parameter is ignored.)

[increment] number | null | undefined 1

To order seed files an incrementing number is prepended to file names. This determines increment steps of numbers. If null or undefined are provided no numbers added to file names.

[schemaInFilename] boolean false

Whether to append schema name in file names. (i.e. 01-public.member.js)

[disableTriggers] boolean true

Disable triggers when seeding. (Prevents foreign key collisions.)

DBConnection : Object

PostgreSQL connection options which are passed directly to node-postgres.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
database string

Database name

[host] string "localhost"

Hostname of the database.

[port] number 5432

Port of the database.

[user] string

Username for connecting to db.

[password] string

Password to connecting to db.

[ssl] boolean | Object false

Pass the same options as tls.connect().

npm i pg-knex-seeder


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Özüm Eldoğan
  • released 8/7/2018

