
Custom identity functions for composability
identity compose


Create or parse an object path based on dot or bracket syntax.

Table of contents


import {create, parse} from 'pathington';

const parsedPath = parse('some[0].deeply["nested path"]');

console.log(parsed); // ['some', 0, 'deeply', 'nested path']

const createdPath = create(['some', 0, 'deeply', 'nested path']);

console.log(createdPath); // 'some[0].deeply["nested path"]'



parse(path: (Array<number|string>|string)): string

Parse a path into an array of path values.

console.log(parse('simple')); // ['simple']
console.log(parse('dot.notation')); // ['dot', 'notation']
console.log(parse('array[0]')); // ['array', 0]
console.log(parse('array[0].with["quoted keys"]')); // ['array', 0, 'with', 'quoted keys']
console.log(parse('special["%characters*"]')); // ['special', '%characters*']
  • If a path string is provided, it will be parsed into an array
  • If an array is provided, it will be mapped with the keys normalized


create(path: Array<number|string>[, quote="]): string

Create a path string based on the path values passed.

console.log(create(['simple'])); // 'simple'
console.log(create(['array', 0])); // 'array[0]'
console.log(create(['array', 0, 'with', 'quoted keys'])); // 'array[0].with["quoted keys"]'
console.log(create(['special', '%characters*'])); // 'special["%charactres*"]'

Optionally, you can pass in the quote string to use instead of ". Valid values are backtick or single-quote.

console.log(create(['quoted keys'], "'")); // ['quoted keys']

Browser support

  • Chrome (all versions)
  • Firefox (all versions)
  • Edge (all versions)
  • Opera 15+
  • IE 9+
  • Safari 6+
  • iOS 8+
  • Android 4+


Standard stuff, clone the repo and npm install dependencies. The npm scripts available:

  • build => run webpack to build development dist file with NODE_ENV=development
  • build:minified => run webpack to build production dist file with NODE_ENV=production
  • dev => run webpack dev server to run example app / playground
  • dist => runs build and build-minified
  • lint => run ESLint against all files in the src folder
  • prepublish => runs compile-for-publish
  • prepublish:compile => run lint, test:coverage, transpile:es, transpile:lib, dist
  • test => run AVA test functions with NODE_ENV=test
  • test:coverage => run test but with nyc for coverage checker
  • test:watch => run test, but with persistent watcher
  • transpile:lib => run babel against all files in src to create files in lib
  • transpile:es => run babel against all files in src to create files in es, preserving ES2015 modules (for pkg.module)
npm i pathington


