
Camo plugin that simplifies building username and password login with Passport
camo passport authentication login

Passport-Local Camo npm version

Passport-Local Camo is a Camo plugin that simplifies building username and password login with Passport.


$ npm i --save passport-local-camo

Passport-Local Camo does not require passport, passport-local or camo dependencies directly but expects you to have these dependencies installed.

In case you need to install the whole set of dependencies

$ npm i --save passport passport-local camo passport-local-camo


Model Passport-Local Camo

First you need to instantiate from Passport-Local Camo into your own User model

const modelBuilder = require('passport-local-camo');
const Account = modelBuilder();

module.exports = Account;

You're free to define your User how you like by extending Account class. Passport-Local Camo will add custom fields to store username and hashed password.

Additionally Passport-Local Camo adds some methods to your Schema. See the API Documentation section for more details.

Configure Passport/Passport-Local

You should configure Passport/Passport-Local as described in the Passport Guide.

Passport-Local Camo supports this setup by implementing a LocalStrategy and serializeUser/deserializeUser functions.

To setup Passport-Local Camo use this code

// requires the model built by Passport-Local Camo or one extended from it
var User = require('./models/User');

// use static serialize and deserialize of model for passport session support

// use static authenticate method of model in LocalStrategy
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(User.authenticate));

Make sure that you have a Camo connected to mongodb and you're done.


Passport-Local Camo additional options can be passed to model builder to configure process.

//  models/User.js
const Account = modelBuilder(options);

options is object. Each field is optional. Here are defaults for each field.

Main Options

  • primaryKey: represents field name for primary key. Default is uid
  • usernameKey: represents field name for username. Default is username
  • passwordKey: represents field name for pass. Default is passhash
  • primaryKeyGen: sync function which is used to generate random primary key. Must take 2 args:
    • [length]: length of generated key. Default is 64
    • [encoding]: encoding of generated key. Default is hex
  • hashGen: async function which is used to hash password.
    • <data>: data to be hashed
    • [algorithm]: algorithm used for hashing. Default is whirlpool
    • [encoding]: encoding of resulting hash. Default is hex
  • E_USER_NOT_FOUND, E_INVALID_PASS: error text accordingly


For complete example of implementing a registration, login and logout see here.

API Documentation

Instance methods

async setPasshash(password)

set a user's password. must be called at least once upon creation of new user, if using Account.create()

async checkPasshash(password)

directly check whether passed password is correct or not

async dump()

get clean user object (JSON without passhash and methods)

Static methods

Static methods are exposed on the schema. For example to use register function use

var User = require('./models/User');
await User.register(opts);
  • authenticate (username, passhash, done): function that is used in Passport's LocalStrategy
  • serialize (user, done): function that is used by Passport to serialize users into the session
  • deserialize (primaryKey, done): function that is used by Passport to deserialize users from the session
  • async register (user || username, password): method to register a new user instance with a given password. Checks if username is unique. See example.


Passport-Local Camo is licensed under the 0BSD license.

npm i passport-local-camo


  • 0BSD
  • >= 7.2
  • perimetral
  • released 12/11/2016

