
Query helper for retrieving a large number of objects from Parse
Parse query limit

StitchQuery - "for getting all your stuff"™

Build Status: Circle CI

StitchQuery allows you to query for more than 1000 objects by making multiple requests and stitching the results together.

If you need more than 10,000 results (unlikely), you can use a SuperStitchQuery.


npm install --save parse-stitch-query

Usage w/ Parse

var Parse =  require('parse-shim');
var StitchQuery = require('parse-stitch-query');

var query = new Parse.Query(Model);
query.equalTo('blah', 'cool');

// Get up to 10,000 results with regular StitchQuery
StitchQuery(query).then((results) => {
  // all the results are here!
}, (error) => {
  // oh noes! errors

// SuperStitchQuery, for unlimited results!
StitchQuery(query, {superStitch: true}).then(...)

// Pass through query options
StitchQuery(query, {userMasterKey: true}).then(...)

How does it work?

StitchQuery sets the maximum hosted Parse limit of 1000 on the provided query and makes an initial request for the data. If 1000 objects are returned (the maximum batch size) we make additional requests, taking care to increment the query's skip by the batch size of 1000 until we reach the maximum skip (10k). This allows you to fetch up to 10,000 results using StitchQuery.

If desired, a SuperStitchQuery can be performed which will fetch unlimited results. It does this by applying a sort on createdAt to the provided query and, upon reaching the maximum skip limit, gets the date of the final item retrieved. To fetch the next batch it adds an additional query predicate requesting only items that have createdAt greater than that of the last item returned and resets the skip to zero. This process is repeated until all results are retrieved (receiving a batch with less than the requested limit of 1000 documents).

  • Warning: SuperStitchQuery should not be used on queries that already have a sort applied!
npm i parse-stitch-query


  • ISC
  • >=4.0.0
  • Tyler Brock, Mike Mintz
  • released 3/8/2019

