
Parse Cloud module manager
parse cloud module manager


Parse module manager based of git

It's a simple module manager based on git that will fetch and place in your cloud/parse_modules folder the corresponding repository

That really helps with writing and sharing modules for the parse platform.

Used with parse-require, you will be able to have a more readable and portable code!


npm install -g parse-module

Install a module

Go to your parse app folder

parse-module install [Repository] [Folder]

Repository: a valid repository (

  • Github repositories can be shorter with flovilmart/parse-require
  • You can pass a tag, version nubmer through the # flovilmart/parse-require#master

Folder: The target folder where to install the module (beware of conflicts!)


`parse-module install flovilmart/parse-require require`

This command will download the github flovilmart/parse-require repository's master and place the content to cloud/parse_modules/require

npm i parse-module


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Florent Vilmart
  • released 7/4/2014

