
Parse JS SDK Mocked Database
parse parsesdk mock unit-testing

Parse MockDB

Master Build Status: Circle CI

Provides a mocked Parse RESTController compatible with version 2.0+ of the JavaScript SDK.

Installation and Usage

npm install parse-mockdb --save-dev
'use strict';
const Parse = require('parse-shim');
const ParseMockDB = require('parse-mockdb');

ParseMockDB.mockDB(Parse); // Mock the Parse RESTController

// Perform saves, queries, updates, deletes, etc... using the Parse JS SDK

ParseMockDB.cleanUp(); // Clear the Database
ParseMockDB.unMockDB(); // Un-mock the Parse RESTController


  • Basic CRUD (save, destroy, fetch)
  • Query operators ($exists, $in, $nin, $eq, $ne, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $regex, $select, $inQuery, $all, $nearSphere)
  • Update operators (Increment, Add, AddUnique, Remove, Delete)
  • Parse.Relation (AddRelation, RemoveRelation)
  • Parse query dotted notation matching eg { "name.first": "Tyler" })
  • Parse class level permissions
  • Parse.ACL (row level permissions)
  • Parse special classes (Parse.User, Parse.Role, ...)
  • Parse lifecycle hooks (beforeSave - done, afterSave - done, beforeDelete - done, afterDelete)



  • Breaking Change This library is now targeting the 2.x series of the Parse JS SDK. If you are using Parse 1.6+, you should pin to the v0.3.x release.


  • Breaking Change When calling mockDB() you must now pass in a reference to the Parse SDK that you want to mock.

  • Breaking Change Stopped patching MockDB object on to Parse module. You can no longer access Parse.MockDB, you must load the parse-mockdb module explicitly.

  • Breaking Change Removed ParseMockDB.promiseResultSync method


npm test
npm i parse-mockdb


  • MIT
  • >=5.0.0
  • Tyler Brock, Roddy Lindsay
  • released 3/9/2020
