
Test client for panic-server
distributed test runner framework decentralized suite

Panic Client

Caters to the whims of panic-server.

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These docs only cover the client API. An introduction to panic and the server API can be found here.

Server API

Naturally, you wouldn't expect the server API to be in a repo named "panic-client".

You'd be right.

All the main API docs and cool, compelling reasons for using panic are in the panic-server repo.

Loading panic-client

There are two ways! Because panic-client can be used (most) places JavaScript runs, there are a couple different ways you can load it.

From a browser

When you start a panic server, it automatically handles routes hitting /panic.js. So from a browser, the simplest way is by including a script tag.

<script src='http://localhost:8080/panic.js'></script>

Now you'll find a global variable, panic, in your browser.

Afterwards, you'll call panic.server(), but we'll get to that in a second...

If you're using Selenium, the easiest way to inject panic is with executeScript, or a library that wraps it.

From Node.js

Ah, this one's easier.

Panic-client is also on npm, so you can install it quickly like so:

$ npm install panic-client

If you don't have npm, you can learn about it here. It'll change your life.

Now simply require it from a JS file.

var panic = require('panic-client')

Connecting to panic-server

Now that you've loaded panic, give it the URL to your panic server. Naturally, you'll need to start it first.

// Or whatever port/ip it's running on.

Bam, you're connected.


Okay, first let's clarify what this documentation describes.

When you call from the panic-server code, that function is stringified and sent to the clients, running this code.

So any methods or properties you access within that function, that's the client API.

Cool. Now for the fun stuff.


You're just given one, and it's the same as the this context. Extra fancy if you're using an arrow function. (context) {
    this === context // yep

Return values

Any value you return from a job will be reported back to panic-server, with the exception of a Promise.

// Returning a primitive. () {
    return 5
}).then(function (result) {
    console.log(result) // 5

Since you returned a promise, it automatically switches into async mode and won't report back until the promise resolves or rejects.

// Returning a promise. () {
    return fetch('/users.json')
    .then(function (res) {
        return res.json()
}).then(function (users) {
    users // whatever those users were...

Though beware, if your promise rejects, the job will fail and reject on the server. () {
    var error = new Error('KO!')
    return Promise.reject(error)
}).catch(function (error) {
    error.message // KO!

Last thing, promise.

If your return value can't be JSON.strungified, it'll just send back the type, like [object Event] as a best effort for debugging.



Maybe you're a menace and you hate promises. That's fine, .async returns a done callback.

It won't report back to the server until you call it, throw an error, or explicitly fail the test.

Also, you can use this.done instead, they both reference the same function. Matter of convenience. () {
    var done = this.async()
    setTimeout(done, 15000)
}).then(function () {
    // 15 seconds later!


Reports the job back to the server immediately, sending it whatever value you pass. Unless of course done has already been called, 'cuz you've only got one shot kid.

Basically, the job can only finish or fail once. Any additional calls are just ignored.


Manually fails a job. If you pass something that isn't an error object, it'll be used as the message in an error that panic generates, then it's sent off to the server and jobs reject it's just messy.

As with .done, calling .done or .fail after doesn't make any difference.


If you're running oodles of jobs, it's a matter of time until one job needs a variable another job created.

Rather than doing global hackery, you can use .set, which saves a key-value pair into an object, where it's accessible to other jobs (in the same process). () {
    var port = this.props.port
    this.set('port', port)
}, { port: 8085 })


Retrieve values created in .set.

// From the port example. () {
    var port = this.get('port')
    console.log(port) // 8085


Here are some fancy things you have access to inside running jobs.


You might have noticed you've only got one parameter. This raises an excellent question: will global warming really kill us all?

Additionally, how do you get variables into the job? Well, if you've dug around in the server API, you know .run takes two parameters, the function to run, and any variables it depends on.

Those variables are all accessible via .props. () {
    var color = this.props.background
    color // orange
}, {
    background: 'orange'


This property references the platform.js object. It's used internally with panic, and useful, so why not expose it? :tada:


A boolean, which refers to whether .async() has been called, and consequently, whether your job is asynchronous.

Getting support

If you've got questions or need help, either swing by our gitter channel and ask for @PsychoLlama, or post an issue.

Supporting us

  • Tell your friends how cool we are
  • Help us get to 5 million GitHub stars by adding yours
  • Report any bugs you find

Any of those would be terrific.

npm i panic-client


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jesse Gibson
  • released 6/12/2017
